Buell @ the movies

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Just saw that! They better not chop it up.
I know it isn't a buell, but i bought my jacket a 2 years ago, not being a big quentin tarantino fan, only to watch planet terror and realize that the chick with the gun leg was wearing my exact jacket! I did pull the skulls off the arms though because they just looked bad.
your jacket is a red tube top? that doesnt sound like it offers much protection, but thats your call
kinda drunk right now so sorry if this has already been posted:
random christmas episode of Monk.

also one of the guys on "Prototype This" used to always right a lightning around
cool[up], did you see the parody by gas monkey of Paul Jr and Sr for biker build off, freaking funny as hell
This is awesome seeing our beloved bikes that no one really knows about in the media!
There's also a commercial for some tech school I've seen recently with about 4 Firebolts in the background. [up]
i've seen that video on YT before, i was amazed a buell made it in the first clip for "sport bikes racing through the mountains" it brought a tear to my eye, i was so proud!
They must have recognized that Buell = best mountain road taking machine ever. They did have some funny clips of people passing in blind turns though...which is pretty bad [sad]
My 8 yr old ALWAYS has his Buelldar going and spotted this on an episode of full throttle saloon from last season.
Don't know why its sideways. IN HIS DEFENSE he noticed the ****ies before the Buell.
I know someone posted it before but the Gas Monkey Garage still has the Lightning. Doesn't look like they have done anything to it. Looks the same as the previous pic posted. Pics aren't great the camera was always moving on the show so any pause was blurry. It's around the 30 minute part of the show.

It's on the new episode tonight, "Far-Out Fairlane."


