Buell XB 90ci pics & video

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Awesome looking bike! Do you run it on the track? It looks amazing but those brand new slicks made me worry that you're not actually gonna be riding it.
Hi guys,
Thanks for the comments, I love this community!
The slick tires were only on them for a bike show, now I have put the street tires back on.
If anyone else has any further questions I would be more than happy to answer them. Please continue to leave comments because I am really interested in your feedback both positive and negative as long as it is your honest opinion!
I don't know if I wanna make love to that bike or on it!!! That is gorgeous!!! Well Done! And don't worry bout your English not being too good most of ours aren't either and we're from here!! and the bike speaks volumes!!!
Looks like on bad ass trailer queen. Seat looks like you could only sit on it for about 2 minutes.
I look at your amazing bike and all i see is a ton of man hours. Awesome xb you have here very nice work.
You are right.I know my bike seems uncomfortable for a long drive but the goal was different.
The goal was to make an extraordinary, but fully functional bike.Unfortunately, because of the extraordinary looks we had to make some compromises.
were those wheels built for the bike? or have I never seen them before somehow? good looking bike, I would end up getting a different good looking seat so I could ride the piss out of it though.
this thing is amazing! wish I could see it and hear it in person. Does it have the dry clutch "click" like the older Ducati's?
Whoooo! Mama, Less Than Zero, nice to see a custom build.I have been checking into the dry clutch for easiness of maintenance and cool look of course! The cooling would be a great benefit as well.Is the Bike in any shows soon? Lot of work that paid off . [up]:D
The dry clutch sounds the same as the Ducati.
The sound of the engine is so terribly loud that it drowns out the sound of the dry cluth
By the way, I would like to give a name for my bike.
Any idea, suggestion?
I would be very greatful if somebody could help me.



Different Stroke/s

Basically anything that has to do with spending lots of money or just being really badass.
Unbelievable! You just gave me more customizing ideas than my wallet can handle. Thanks a lot.

My only suggestion, and it's really a small thing, is I think you should powder-coat the exhaust headers flat black. They look a little raw compared to the rest of the bike. They look a little out-of-place, like they are unfinished, but I like they way they hold the angle of the V-Twin motor. Nice design!
OMG, I just watched the video. That motor is incredible! That sound sooths my soul. You gave me even more inspiration that will totally blow my budget for a long time. How am I going to explain this to my wife? She won't understand.