Buell XB 90ci pics & video

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Hi my friends
Once again:many thanks for your comments.Please let me know if u have any question.I try my best to answer it.
If anybody have an idea about a name please let me know.
I mean I would like to name my bike.
I like Extreme's Name :Escape or The Great Escape.
since you are over seas "The American Dream" would be fitting.
I would also add that either a titanium exhaust wrap or black coating is needed for the headers. other than that get a black set of 50-dro sliders and ride the dog **** out of it.
Thanks for your advise.
I forgot to mention the bike's weight has been changed/reduced to 360 lbs.As I know the factory weight is 395 lbs.
Hands down, the best XB build I think I've ever seen. Absolutely beautiful, the attention to detail is amazing!

A true inspiration!

Can you tell me more about the belt primary? Did it improve the response of the engine (quicker rev)?

We launched this bike in a competition in Budapest, HUNGARY(EMAT 2011), but my bike has not won any prize.
(category:modified harley Davidson).I think most of the people still loves the monster size choppers with more chrome finish.My favorite builder is Roland Sands.He build bikes according to my taste, like the famous "No Regrets".
Here is a video from EMAT 2011:
You can see my bike from 4m 16s.


I'm waiting your opinion
I would name the bike after one of the seven deadly sins!
But not in english though, latin is the way to go ;-)

Lust Luxuria
Gluttony Gula
Greed Avaritia
Sloth Acedia
Wrath Ira
Envy Invidia
Pride Superbia

Sick bike. I dig the streetfighter styling. I agree with xtremelow, I would also like to see where the fuse boxes and ecm was relocated to. Thanks and great job. My wheels are spining 100plus mph
You have done a lot of cool things on this bike and put a lot of work in to it so I respect it for that. I really like the dry primary, the front forks and a slew of other things but I am just not a fan of the body. Not a hit against you or your work as you can see every one else likes it and I respect it but it is just not my taste. But I also did not like that 1125 that every one was excited about that some company made and kept getting posted on here over and over again.
Holy crap that's a lot of money, but how much did the bike cost over there? I imagine more than normal US price..
unbelievable bike, unbelievable work is done. the attention to details is what grabbed me. wheels, rear section - these two make the bike. also open primary is extremely well done. on my taste it is too "wakanish" but still VERY WELL DONE!!!
btw - in Europe new Buells costed (sad to say) approximately + 25/30% to US price.
As I promised, I will provide u further photos about the airbox area and the relocated ECM ASAP.
Thanks to everyone for the comments!
I also try to provide infos about the open primary but very difficult for me explain the technical infos in english but I will, I promise.