Buell XB 90ci pics & video

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Question: any chance those wheels and/or exhaust will go into production?  Also, random but do you know where they got the tail lights?
We have not thought about the mass p-production of these wheels or any other custom parts of this bike but if we can collect lot of orders, than I'm sure we will.
Every custom parts, including the tail lights, made by Sapka Müvek.

By the way,at this moment, I'm thinking about to selling this bike if I get a really good offer.
May i ask... what did you do to the muffler/exhaust?
Modofied original or completely new?
THAT is one item i would definately put my name down for.
May i ask... what did you do to the muffler/exhaust? Modofied original or completely new? THAT is one item i would definately put my name down for. Cheers, WOLF

Hi Wolf.

Thanks for your
The mufflers and the pipes are custom made for this project. As i mentioned before, like the wheels. If i get more requests, i definetely think about the mass production.

Thanks your interest.
Ok...i'm VERY iterested in the muffler.
That's one (of many i'm sure)
I'd be interested in the muffler too, if there was a db-killer available (too loud for the restrictions over here) and I could retain the chin/lower fairing.
wow, had to open a buellxb account so I could drool my words out. Best xb custom I've seen. Great minimalist approach. As far as names go, I have to put my vote in for the Tyrant or TyrantXB. It's not a "politically correct" name but it describes that bike to a T, because it exercises complete control by weight over the most power per square inch on an air-cooled bike. Brilliant work.
The stock handlebar grip for the throttle gives a very wide throttle response. To get wide open throttle, you need to twist your wrist all the way, regrip, and twist a little more. That's on a stock Buell. There are some companies that sell replacement grips that let you twist all the way to wide open throttle with a 1/4 turn, so you don't have to regrip the handlebar.

Which one do you have? With such a powerful motor, is your throttle overly sensitive for normal easy riding around town?
I'm a huge fan of the design approach used by Confederate Motorcycles out of NOLA, and this XB nails much of the same minimalist design ethic. It makes the brilliant engineering and fabrication center stage, instead of useless and diminishing decorations.

Absolutely fantastic machine.

Do you actually get out and ride it?
Does the Speedometer fit with the standard twin lights (ie: side be side OEM) ...or only with your setup?
If they fit with OEM lights, i would definatley get it then.
please tell me this bike gets out on the streets on a semi-regular basis. i dont mean out in the rain or being left in parking lots for a long time, or sitting under trees to get **** on, or peggin the rev limiter all the time, but a bike like this deserves to be riddin!!



Nagyon szép lett a motorod. Gratulálok hozzá !
A váz az színterezve vagy fényezve lett?
Lehet szervezek egy Buell baráti találkozót nyáron Budapesten vagy környékén. Szeretném nagyjából felmérni menyien is vagyunk kis hazánkban. Illetve szeretném hagyománnyá alakítani ezt és egy Buell baráti kört létrehozni ahol menne pl. a tapasztalat csere meg stb.
Eljönnél vele? Ha igen akkor létszi adj meg nekem egy elérhetőséget amin értesíthetlek az aktuális időpontról és eseményekről is.

This bike makes my stt look like a sissies motorcycle :( give this Man the best looking buell in the world award
I am normally not a fan of sharp lines but that is sick! Good job! I love the open primary, I want that!