I was worried bout that , the flags(much smaller about 1ft square U.S. & POW, which I dont blame him he is a veteran) that my dad always flies on his Harley have a heavy canvas mounting area and they slip over a rod (like a curtain) with a nub at the top of the pole that keeps them from sliding up. The "pole" slides into a base then is secured with a set screw. Should modifying the flags be considered or just only fly them at low speeds in town for show ???
only pic I have of the old man's set up..
Hey greasy, It should be setting off from the omaha group in about two weeks or so, but it depends on how long it takes for other riders to get it going. I still need to talk to the omaha group to see who all can get in on the ride with us, but it should be started relatively soon.
Oh9 will be getting a flag soon, so you should be good to go with him after a little coordination.
Not sure how where the map is we are in Saranac Michigan...But later this week we are headed to Asheville,NC.
via fort wayne Indiana ,cincantti,knoxville.
if I can get it before the Delta one ride I would like Jeff aka Delta's dad ride it and Sign it
I'd love to participate in this! The map shows me located in GA. I'll be here for a little more than a week and then it's back to Indy. Should be coming back to GA about a month or so after that. Depends on the time of where I'll be located. There's a few states between here and there.
Would like to get in where I can so I too can be involved in this.
Hit me up people!
Sure did! Looks great! Have worn it a few times already. I've still gotta bring it by lids and get my own embroidering done on the bak side. I'll take pics here eventually and post up in your thread.
I saw his thread. I'll copy and paste what I posted here so it's shown in both.