so now we have a full story and a much, MUCH better place to start...........
and i do believe ReadyXB is on the right track. 1st thing I would look into is that front injector. Swapping them is a decent way to quickly diagnose but they have a specific spray pattern for front/rear, so you cant keep it in there if you swap em for purposes of diagnostics.
based on your sequence of events, i would have said it WASNT tuned if youre still lean at WOT. there is nothing to suggest the injectors would not be able to keep up even at WOT. there is ALWAYS a safety factor when engineers select injector sizing and volume for any given application. I do not believe the modifications made to your bike would have overcome those limits of design.
that being said, my previous posts still stand. look where we have come already....from rebuilding top end, to CPS, to injector. 2/3 are not the issue. We could have probably come up with the fueling as a fault had we heard the symptoms from day one. imagine how much time/money it would have cost if you started throwing parts at it. see.....we do care about our fellow members! lol
but then again, i guess all you wanted to know was which brand of valves to in that respect, i apologize....i had nothing to offer. I really am here to help in subjects i happen to have a little bit of knowledge on. I believe a few people here can vouch for that.
as a matter of fact, I created a post a while ago in this VERY similar subject (fueling at high demand)
see if that helps point you in the right direction :up: