Buy or pass on a non runner

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Jan 30, 2018
Hey guys, new guy here looking at a used 05 XB12S near me. Its had the crank swapped with an 09 and sounds like it hasnt run since the swap. From what Ive found Im guessing its probably a timing issue since the late cranks werent marked. I also havent looked at it in person and Im waiting for the guy to get back to me with some more info so this is just speculation. Would you guys gamble and at what price, or would you run far away.

By the way Im an auto tech by trade, have a few other bikes and always wanted a Buell. Pretty confident in my ability to fix just about anything, but if I pass on this one Ill still be looking for one so figured Id make an account.
IMO, it should be dirt cheap; good running, clean examples seem to stay around forever if they're over $3000. The engine is mostly Sportster
I would make sure the valves aren't bent, that it does have good compression, as I'm sure you know. Anything else can be fixed pretty easily, as a car tech, you'll definitely be o.k. The guys here can also be very helpful, so don't hesitate to ask, they know many shortcut's.
He has it listed for $2500, no way I would even consider paying that much for one thats not running. The rest of the bike looks reasonably clean though, if I can talk him down a long ways and get some time to inspect I might go for it. Hardly any Buells at all for sale within 1000 miles of me right now though
That is a lot of money for a 12 year old bike that doesn't run. You don't know if the trans, charging system, clutch, fuel system, etc is ok. Rare or not, I'd only gamble what I'm willing to lose. If you are even just a fair auto tech, you'll probably get it running, but remember you are the one taking ALL the risk, make it worth your while:)

We are here to help with the specifics. Curious, whats your location? There's a bunch of Buells left that run just fine, and shipping is cheap.
North Idaho, guy never responded to me anyway so probably wasnt meant to be! Will keep on the lookout to join the club though, more bikes will be going up for sale in the coming months.
If the chassis is in good condition and you're willing to take on a project, I would think that something under $1200 for a non-runner would be reasonable. Not exactly sure where the $2500 asking figure is coming from. They're excellent machines however, and if the engine has the larger diameter crank journal from the '09 I'd say that's a bonus.
Not that is matters now. But as mentioned above, $2500 is way too much for a non-running parts bike. I regularly see running Buells for $2500-3000 asking price. In fact, I bought my 2004 12S for $2500 5 years ago. It had a scrapped up swing arm (bought one on Ebay for $50-75) and scratches on the frame. He also took half the value in trade for a couple of pistols.

Keep an eye out, particularly during the winter when bikes are cheap. Here in AZ summer is when you buy bikes cheap, I bought mine in June right before the heat, so the guy knew I was probably the last one serious about it before summer.
Ok couple more details came through, I thought it was an 09 crank but its a "new" 07 crank, didnt 07s have issues? Also it will run for about a minute then die, if I can hear it run for that long Id be more likely to bite though still not at his asking price.
The problem isn't the bike. Sure, you can probably get it running for no-one-knows how much effort, time and money.

You'll still need to talk him waaaay down to be realistic. That means in your eyes; he's an idiot for asking to much, and in his eyes you're an idiot for offering half what he's asking.

It's possible, but ask your self do you want to enjoy a Buell? Or do you want to enjoy a Buell project? Either answer is acceptable, but if you'd rather just enjoy a Buell then;!!!!!
Thanks for that link! Ill keep an eye on it, also got all the local ones locked down. Might have to save some more pennies to go for one farther away.
don't know that you are.....but if you're serious about actually BUYING a decent buell XB then i strongly suggest the below. and for what it's worth the one you commenced this thread as the subject line of is garbage. i wouldn't touch it....period.

1-decide what model you actually want....don't dick around....have cash in hand and ready to buy. serious sellers hate tire-kickers and if you follow the below steps inevitably a few nice bikes surface. be ready to buy when they do.
2-decide your price ceiling.....model.....highest mileage you can live with.....distance from your locale.....and list a "WTB" ad right on this site. it's free and read world-wide by mostly serious buell enthusiasts and owners such as myself.
3-with #2 in mind place an ad on your local free sites such as craigslist.
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My 07 SS originally came from Idaho, then he moved to Houston Texas, which is where I bought it from, he was the original owner, low mileage, got it for a little more than what yours is asking for. Had it shipped to NJ,, it was like new ! One of the guys here posted it up for all to see, I bit the bullet and am very happy with it.

Don't let distance get in your way if you see one.

Good luck
I've been known to buy a project once or twice:love_heart: But it's solely because I wanted a project, never because I wanted a bike/boat/car/truck/house.
Here is what I ask myself before I buy a project to minimize financial loss, frustration, and actually have some fun:

1) You have got to be honest with yourself about your true skill level. Most people over estimate what they can accomplish and I see those ad's all the time. 'unfinished thing for sale... cheap!' and it 'comes with lots of new parts...'. A monkey can take stuff apart, are you the man to put it together?

2) Do you have the time to do it? Are you bored? or always kinda busy right now? If you just had a baby, and dream of spending time in the garage fixing an inoperable bike, you really are dreaming.

3) Do you have the money ready right now for unexpected costs? It may fire up with just some tinkering, but what if it needs a transmission? There is much more to a vehicle than the engine.

4) Do you currently have the effort to finish this project? Are there other things sitting around you could finish first before adding another one to the pile? You have driven past that trailer park along the highway:), are you that person?

5) YOU are the one taking the risk. Don't get excited, finish your research/inspection before the sale. Once the seller takes your money for a 'project', it is completely your fault whatever happens next. No whining about 'how they screwed you', they couldn't finish it either. 1000 times I have heard "I could totally do that, I just don't have any tools." PFFFFFT, whatever.
I definitely have the skill, the tools, and the time. I have other bikes, I fix and build all of them, not to mention the day job. I might have to clean one or two up and sell them so I can get into a nicer Buell. I want one just because I always have, but Im dead set on one, preferably an Ss though.

I am going to pass on this one, (Im sure some of you guys have found something you want and gotten tunnel vision, happens) I realized Im not ok with someone whos skill level I dont know replacing a crankshaft and now having issues. If the bike has been that far apart I could see nagging issues lasting the life of the bike.

Time to go build my bike fund
Hyde: Buells are stick-and-wood simple, no doubt you could get her running and if you can't tell, us Buellers are a little uh... passionate.. about them:cool:

We'd like to see your first Buell experience to be a good one:

Heck yes on the SS! That's my style:applause: and don't forget the STT is the same length but even a little taller:up:
IMG_1697_zps61496023 by Cooter!, on Flickr IMG_1696_zps90758a9e by Cooter!, on Flickr IMG_1698_zps568ec95b by Cooter!, on Flickr
Theres an Ss in Portland right now with the same color scheme as yours! Havent been building my budget long enough to pull the trigger on it though unfortunately. Im a pretty big guy thats why Im wanting an Ss. A little longer and tall will be just perfect but STT seems to bring a lot more money around here, still half the length of my Valkyrie!

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