Carrying a gun while riding..

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Thanks to this thread I am now looking into a T-shirt holster for myself .... This is why forums are great ... Always great new information ...
No matter what it is you carry,( caliber size etc) familiarity with your weapon and how you carry it all comes down to muscle memory. As a veteran, patriot, and rider, I am always carrying. The main thing you need to focus on is training your muscle memory to be able to access and present your firearm quickly. In a life or death situation the seat cowl is not the easiest access point. I personally always wear a light icon jacket and it does a good job of concealing my sigp220 in my shoulder rig. When I am riding I attach the elastic straps from my holster to my belt. If I am ever without the sin then my 3 inch kimberrides in an IWB holster at the three o'clock position.
Ended up pulling the trigger on the Maxpedition Fatboy. Should be here today.


Had great reviews.
Let me know how this works if you don't care.

Will do. Just arrived - so far I like it. About the right size (for me). Took off the wide shoulder pad and the waist belt. I need to get the velcro CCW holster for it though. Almost looks like a cross between a messenger bag and camera bag - doesn't really stand out too much and scream weapon.

Quality wise, seems to be well constructed. I'll have more info later.
@ JohnnyD & @mrlogix

I've carried with the maxpedition for 2+ years, it's really convenient and has good access. It has a waste-band strap that you can clip to keep in place while riding (or doing anything active). I carried a P229 most of the time and never had any issues with it. Just be prepared for the murse comments... :p
PALs (Possession & Acquisition permits) are easy enough to get here, tho we can really only 'carry' for work required situations.

Wow eh! Never thought 'bout needing to be armed -- for a bike ride.

We just follow the perp's to Tim Horton's, and squish their croissants!
I carry at work 10+ hours a day so I would feel naked without one. I carry a ruger lc9 primarily and do not chamber a round as a secondary safty. 0% chance of accidental fire.
Do you guys really carry a bag around with you all the time to hold a firearm? Why not carry IWB or one of the other methods that's comfortable, not odd looking, and doesn't interfere with sitting down, a seatbelt, etc. If I saw someone with a fanny pack on their hip I'd find that very odd.

People always ask me how I can carry with the discomfort of an IWB holster. I often get asked how it interferes with sitting, driving, seat belts, etc. I have no discomfort at all. In fact I just drove 1,500 miles last weekend with it the whole time. I practically forget it's there.

Not knocking anyone, to each their own. I just can't wrap my head around that. Just like the keeping a round chambered thing. A whole different debate. I don't understand why you would carry a firearm but not have it ready for use... Guns don't fire unless the trigger is pulled, very simple. An accidental discharge is an accident on the human's part, not the firearm's part. If you don't want it to fire use a holster with a trigger guard, and keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire. And if you're not competent enough to not have an accidental discharge then you shouldn't have a gun.
I picked up one of the 5.11 t-shirt/holster shirts. Nicely made, padded area between gun and skin. Nice tight fit. Made for left or right side carry. fits perfectly under my mesh riding jacket, 1911 under left arm and 3 magazines under right. Very un-noticeable. gun doesn't move around. Going to pick up 3 more of the shirts as spares so I'm not wearing the same one over and over. Tried a range/gear bag like the Maxpedition sling bag and it swings around to much during spirited riding.
gotcha. the only drawback i have to carrying on the torso is you have to really reach and lift your shirt out of the way for access. Definitely a good way to conceal comfortably though.
I carry a rugger lcp everywhere. only chamber a round when in a concerned area. use a push out rubber trigger guard.
The reason I primarily (not exclusively) carry in a bag is because I have 3 kids under 4 and am constantly bending over as well as picking up kids and maneuvering things around. I know the bag will stay zipped closed and my kids dont know where I carry so I never have a "daddy has a gun right there!" situation.
I have a buddy that carries with a belly band, I am going to try that out and see how it goes.
the only drawback i have to carrying on the torso is you have to really reach and lift your shirt out of the way for access.

When I'm riding I wear the t-shirt holster under my riding jacket. The jacket is zip up. When I get off the bike I unzip half way down so I have easy access and all anyone can tell is that I have a black t-shirt under the jacket.
My state is a right to carry state and getting a concealed permit is real easy $25. and a back ground check if you don't have any felonies or domestic violence charges your good to go. So I found it odd when getting my motorcycle license that it states twice that it is illegal to carry a gun while riding even with a concealed to carry permit. If you do transport a gun while riding it can't be accessible and has to be unloaded with ammo in a different area then the gun.
My new job requires me to carry a gun which is normal for me, but carrying a gun while wearing a tactical bullet proof vest this should be interesting!