charging problem PLEASE HELP

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Apr 4, 2009
2000 x1 lightining
So here it is- I went to drive the kankamangus highway yesterday. When I went to start it didnt have enough umph to fire it up, so I put the booster on it and it started right up. I thought it was kinda funny, but I haven't been able to ride in about 2 weeks due to rain (no heckling please). So, off I went...about 15 miles into it the check engine light comes on. Then about 5 more miles and the speedo cuts out then completely dies. Then the tach. Then all my lights. Then the bike starts running like it is on one cylinder. I aborted the mission and started heading back but the bike was running so bad that I could barely keep it going down the road. And then, as the icing on the cake, about 2 miles later she shuts down completely. No juice to even fire the fuel pump......
So, I called my wife and she came and got me. (That has got to be the worst as my riding group is 100% honda. Boy, they were rough on me)
Got home, threw the charger on it, and started it up. Ran fine. The voltage with a surface charge was 12v at the terminals. After starting and whilst running, the voltage was 10v and dropping.

stator output @ 2k rpm is 54 +/- VAC I guess that the stator is OK??? Didn't do the whiff-it test yet, but I guess that I dont need to. When running I am at 11 vDC at the battery terminals and dropping. Voltage reg dead?

So I did the VR Bleed test and my test light lit up on one side....
I REALLY NEED SOME HELP HERE. My friend let me borrow a VR to see if that is the issue. I installed it, and the charging voltage is still 12.1v. The borrowed one passes the bleed test, but there is no difference. ARGH. Let me go thru what I did- VR bleed test- test light lights up on one terminal. Stator checked by metering ACv at 2k rpm- 45-55 VAC. Next, I metered the stator- 0.000-0.001 ohms. Next I checked the VR ground- good. Next the lead from the VR to the circiut breaker- OK- next continuity to the positive term at battery- OK.

Am I missing something???? I am totaly at the end of my rope and have no dough to take it to the dealer. IF YOU CAN, please help!!! Thanks
Nope, the VR should put out 13-14 volts when charging, if the battery is dead, it will suck all the juice from the regulator and more. Start with a known good and fully charged battery then do the voltage reg tests.

I am having a similar problem, my battery gets weak, the vr tries to charge it up, I put the bike on the charger overnight, my charger cooks the battery, it will fire but then won't start sometime later in the day.

I am currently switching over to the 3 phase system on my '98 S3, hoping that will charge the battery during the short trips i usually take.
I didn't read anything about a load test on the battery...
To the best of my knowledge the battery acts as a capacitor within the complete circuit and if there is a problem with the battery, such as a bad or shorting cell, you may not be able to see it without a load test.
ok I got a new battery and will install it and retest. It will have to charge overnight- I will post the results tomarrow....thanks!!!
I ran into similar problems on my cyclone. Well charged Gel battery but would not charge. At idle the Voltage started at 12.4 and slowly died down. After some research, without any real testing as I should have, I replaced the regulator as it was the most common fix. Bang, 13.2v the system now charges nicely, Cost Was $96 at precisions harely in rhode island.
Check the plug from the VR. Apparently they can overheat and melt, or in my case (same thing happened. Speedo died then followed shortly by the bike) I adjusted the contacts inside the plug from the VR and reconnected. Havent had any problems since :)

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