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I get pulled over all the time....cops say they dont see my plate. I think they are seeing if I will run.

Its funny most of the ricers say you are a little b!tch if you stop. I was comming back from a deployment on the USS George Washington and they flew out a Virginia Beach police officer on to the boat. He gave us a brief on things going down in the ghetto of Norfolk Va. Said that the bikers are running from the cops all the time and now they have started this game where they ride up and bang on the rear quarter panel of police cruisers and then taking off. Funny enough I was one of 200 sailors that busted out laughing when he said that. I would love to have a drink with the guys that have the balls to that. :D
Hey Texashick, I lived in San Angelo for about 7 years man. The cops there are bored and crazy!!

Here in Baltimore they arent allowed to chase you in the city at all. little gangster wannabees ride dirt bikes all over the place doin wheelies on the wrong side of the road and everything and they cant do crap about it.
its always the guy behind the badge; if theres no traffic & ur doin 90 they prolly wont do nuthin; if ur dodging bumper2bumper traffic just like the cages are then u'll get harrased too.
I ride 55 all the time unless the limit is 55 or more. 25 in town is cool...that's when my bike gets real loud. haha. Your best bet is to carry around a "Get Out of Jail Free" card from monopoly. I always have one. I got pulled over in my truck once for doing 30 in a 25. Whipped out the card, got laughed at and told to go home. Take it easy on cops, they have it a lot tougher than we all think.
Md,D.C., and NoVa won't chase past 100 due to the high volume of traffic. As far as how to? I've lost cops in everything from a roll off, to a 98 DeVille, to my wifes Jetta and the most recent (2 years ago, I've matured greatly) in a friggin base model 4 banging 60 horse power PT cruiser. It's not what you're driving/riding but how. A bunch have mentioned it but back roads are the key lots of dense woods to hide from the birds and plenty of turns. It also helps to drive ride them often and know where they will take you. I via phone navigated my wife who ran after passing a cop at 135 through some county ass roads and a good long route back to the house with out ever hitting highway except to cross it. It's stupid to run or be in a situation where you may have to and I don't recommend it ever. You can kill your self, or even worse someone innocent (that little girl on the side of the road playing with her dolly). If you don't care about others lives then think about the costs. I finally have a clean record for the first time in my 8 years of having a license, tens of thousands on tickets, repairs, court fee's and fuel, and the insurance rates are ridiculous. It's so not worth it.
Saw a bunch of that last thursday when I took the family to the Aquarium. I love bmore :0 )
Gotta say I hate those racist comments. Why's everything in the hood assumed stolen property? Sure people steal but I've seen the rich rob the poor blind all my life. Do they ever think about that fact it's about a 10th of the cost to buy a dirt bike as it is to buy a street bike? It's a more attainable goal for anyone in the lower class. I grew up in a slum and dreamed of riding a dirt bike but it was never an option for me. It's not until now at 24 I am finally in a financial position to pursue a dream. Sorry just a little rank about that video and the comments it received, got my panties in a twist :p:p:p
James Stewart started a craze with his people. If only Tiger Woods could get some fads started. The world would be a safer place.;)
thats all we did growin up,,,now its bad huh ;) maybe we found a upcoming BUELL ridin spot,,,:p
lol **** riding Bmore. The road conditions probably play 80% of the reason they ride dirt bikes and ATV's. you could lose a small child in some of those pot holes.
I live in Dallas, TX and yesterday blew by a cop doing 85 in a 45. I then boldly turned around to ask him this very thing in question since I'm new to TX. His response was that most of them are all about a good time themselves but they are in the business of protecting people. The foolish guys wearing an armored vest, sleeveless shirt, and no helmet are the ones who will likely endanger the public (already endangering themselves). It's not the safe sport riders on back roads they worry about. Keep in mind I was riding in winding country cotton field-lined back roads and covered from head to toe in quality armor.

This guy is only one of many cops out there but myself being the spouse of a cop, I believe that his sentiment rings true for most.
Everybody remember Rodney King? Best advice is to pull over immediately. Most here in Texas know…..If the police have to come and get you, they are bringing an ass kicking with them!
Buells are not speed machines, but they have a ton of torque! My rule is as simple as the one stated above and uses the advantages of the bike.
Ride reasonably and you don't have any worries; but if you are out having fun and the police catch you in the act in the city or residential area (anywhere there is lots of curves)run like Hell.
If you are on the highway or a long straight away then you are good as caught.

Plain and simple your bike has better acceleration off the line than 99% of vehicles out there (even police cars)use that to your advantage, injunction with a good knowledge of the area.

Now, if you were on one of those tight winding Jap. bikes I would say do a sprint on the highway and pull off and loose sight of the cop; but pull over on curvy roads.
All of you that Run from the Police ... when you land in jail or the hospital ill just laugh ... thanks for contributing to the bad stigma that bikes get

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