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I was going down I-10 rolled when I rolled up to a police cruiser. Stuck my foot straight out in front, hammered down and jousted his side mirror off like a true bad ass.:D:D[cool]
Since this thread came up on the main page again.... I will tell a story of mine. :D

Ok, here it goes...

One time (inbandcamp) on the Blue Ridge Parkway (Federal Property) I passed a State Trooper cruising. Had my wife on the back. Didn't notice it was a Trooper till to late, but it was in a large sweeping bend in the road. I knew he would 180 asap. He went out of site 'round the bend, and still hadn't touched his brakes. Was not really any place to turn around. So then, I burned it up. Finally caught some traffic, and hung back. Hadn't been any passing zones since I passed him. Knew I didn't want to start racking up charges so I hung back. About a minute later, here come the blue lights. I signaled to him I would pull over and kept the speed limit. I drove about another mile to an overlook, really the only safe pullover on the Parkway. I had on race leathers and my wife the same. He asked if I knew WHY he pulled me over. I say "No Sir." He told me my speed. I act shocked, "Really?". "License and Registration". I gave him my license, but no registration. He said I can give you a ticket for this county. But if you ran through a Rangers radar, thats Federal. Double fines, Federal court, etc. "What if you hit a deer?" He asked. I told him that might make us fall off. He let my wife vouch for my bike ownership, advised me of the 45mph limit, and went on his way. Sweet. Great guy. [up]

Another SHORT story.

Was doing triple digits in my retired State Trooper car. I had already been at my destination when County showed up. I only got a ticket for 17 over the 55 limit. Not reckless driving. I gave them no **** and like wise.
Your right about that. I've done everything to get out of tickets. I live in a small town so there's only a few buells. I'm always cool, calm, and collected. They still give me $500 tickets. Run, if u can get away.
WOW lol. Never run from the cops, once you get busted they'll make it hell on you. Whether you're going 5 over or double the limit, pull over immediately and they will appreciate that they didn't have to chase you(endangering theirs and others lives). I've flown by cops, saw the lights turn on, thought about running, then pulled over and when the cop pulled up he asked me why I didn't run, lol. I have yet to get a ticket on a motorcycle(or car for that matter). Probably been pulled over at least a dozen times and always get off. Keep your hands where they can see them, no sudden movements, etc. they appreciate it as they never know what the person they pull over will do.
It's only a matter of time before you become a fatality.

Been there, done that, out ran them and got caught as well. It just flat-out ain't worth it. Nearly every time I managed to outrun them, I got caught for something else. I guess my high point in tickets was when I managed to cover the first 3 pages of the local county docket. Yeah, 26 tickets for one go around. It sucked, I didn't drive for years. Luckily, I only crashed once and it was in a car. 150+ mph chase and I walked away from it without a scratch, but I paid for it for years.
I agree with snrusnak. I've beek pulled over for felony speeding, illegal lane changes, etc... I always pull over immediately. Been let off with "warnings" every time. One cop actually told me to run next time, because he couldn't have caught me. I was in a neighborhood on a xb12xp. Probably could of out maneuvered him and cut across a park. But it's not worth it.
In New York it's the cops disgression if he or she feals the chase is putting the rider, himself or bistandards in harms way. They should back off . But at that point they will probly have your plate. Last year I actually put ran a state trooper not knowing he was there. He wouldn't have gotten my plate and I could have gotten away with it. But I didn't know he was there and my intent wasn't to out run a cop I was just having fun on a windy back road. He finally caught us when we stopped at a sign and realised he was behind us . Once he started talking to us he knew we wernt running from him and let us go with non moving violations. A few cops I know won't wright tickets if you stop and answer questions without lying .
In nebraska they can't chase you in a ground vehicle if you run. But the choppers and cameras are quick to find you.
You will never out run a helicopter. Or radio(like someone else said above).

I actually hope all you guys who are bragging about running do it at some point. More morons off the road.

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