Cleaning engine area

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Aug 23, 2017
So I waiting on parts to fix a leaking rear cylinder (thanks for the kit # Lunatic) and noticed that the fan area, shock, and below the rear cylinder are covered in oily grime that is dripping all the way down toward the primary drain plug.
My question is I guess mainly for the fan area, is it safe to soak this in some S1000 general bike cleaner I have an hose it off? Or is the fan tucked away like this in purpose with the intention it's not supposed to get wet?
One of my 08s were in the same condition as yours, What I did was remove the shock and then fan to be able to clean the frame and clean the fan,.If you do this you will be able to look at the rear cylinder and see a oil mess.
I could do that. But my issue with doing it that way is once I lift the bike up to get the shock/fan out it will be in my garage and immobile. Whereas if I just leave it in my drive way, I can clean it off with the hose ( don't use my hose in the garage) then dry and wheel it back in. My concern is if it's safe or not to soak the fan in cleaner and hose off? Or is it not supposed to get wet and only cleaned like with just a rag or something?
I did it in my shop also no hose, I used gas on a rag and wiped it clean a few times. Dont tell anybody I used gas .LOL A hose just does not do a good job detailed ,IMO, Put a drip pan / card board under your bike. Once you have the fan out you can do a good job cleaning it as well.
As far as the electrical wires going to the starter & solenoid, those will need to be cleaned also, or they will be weeping oil and the fan will spreading it all over. Making you think your rocker is still leaking. DAMHIKIJK
Ok i will try and just cover all the connectors then. My main reason to wanting to clean them FIRST on the bike, is cause i also need to clean the back of my rear cylinder off. Is there some type of degreaser anyone recommends for this? or will S100 do fine for this type of thing.

That way when i pull her back into the garage to take her apart, i only have small stuff left to wipe down and detail that i can do without my hose.

Thanks guys
Though I've never used it on a bike, I have used those citrus cleaners on cars and they worked extremely well. I've also used biodiesel fuel to clean caked on soot however, you then have to clean off the biodiesel !
The electrical connectors will be fine. Heck the whole bike will be fine with a hose. Just don't use high pressure.
S100 is great, so is Castrol Superclean and Simple Green.

The Citrus cleaners are really good, but be careful of it staining paint and raw aluminum if it sits long at all.
What ever you use, as cooter said, careful with staining the cases ,aluminum, paint frame. That is why I use gas, :cool:
heres a few after i tried wiping most off the fan guard and shock. sorry some seem to be upside down





good pics, IMO, I would take out the fan and do some wiping and cleaning, but thats just me , bottle brushing them fins, I am a clean nut when it comes to my bikes. :eagerness:
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The electrical connectors will be fine. Heck the whole bike will be fine with a hose. Just don't use high pressure.
S100 is great, so is Castrol Superclean and Simple Green.

The Citrus cleaners are really good, but be careful of it staining paint and raw aluminum if it sits long at all.

Simple green can oxidize aluminum as well fyi. I've never had it happen, but have heard it does.

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