Clear air box covers being fabbed

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im in... theres one air box cover i really like...has the scoops on both sides and vents down the scoop ill post a pic
Yea post a pic so I have an idea what your talking about, starting the mold today!!!!

100th, tmi, but I feel the same if not more lol. I have wanted a clear air box for so long but never could find one, finally came across info on how to do it, then I was hooked like a crackhead to his drugs.
Looks like you've got a pretty good demand for this if you do end up making them... And I'm sure there will be a decent pull in the future with people changing out colors or just getting spares/pieces to mod on... [up]
Yep, and for a lot cheaper, just need to order the polycarbonate, by the time I get it, I should have the mold and equipment to start pumping them out, only downside is gonna be trimming them after their made, gonna be very time consuming for each one, maybe I will sell them for a little cheaper if people wanna trim them themselves. Just takes a dremel and time.
Oh wow, that's quite the order Robertson, I imagine with time and patience I could knock that out, let me get the first few out of the way and then I definitely would try this out if all goes well with the originals, just ordered the lexan, so it will be around a week before it gets here. I am excited.

Now obviously if I do a custom air box like that its gonna be a little more $. But wayyy cheaper then those are going for, now would you want that in clear, translucent or black like that? I imagine I could do any, price varries with each one but not by much, actually when I can get some time and figure out the price difference on the materials, it might not change the price.

But I have not made one yet, so the price stated above is just an estimate, but won't change by much!
I'd prefer black but in the end it doesn't really matter!
I'll just plasti dip it if it's translucent!
I absolutely love the look of that cover but its way to expensive for my budget at the moment!
Unfortunately everything over here in Europe costs a miner fortune...
The cover I linked to is fiberglass and it comes unpainted!
Update: first attempt of a mold is looking like a failure, this expanding foam is sticking to my cover even though I lined it with car wax, should have went with my first idea of spray Pam.
I've made molds with the expanding foam.I've used plastic wrap instead of mold release agents
Omfg Robertsson... That cover looks amazing!!..... Aaaaand it also costs a leg and left testicle....