Thanks Mrlogix, Thrstmech, and Lunaticfringe,
Before acquring my Ulysses, I was of the school that clean oil is the best oil no matter what type, conventional or synthetic. If it was dirty it was time to change it no matter how many miles are on it. I changed my car's oil sometimes every 2K or sometimes over 4K or 5K miles, if it was still clean it was still good, if it was dirty it was no good and time to change it. With this method I used some cheaper store brand conventional oils, also filters in my cars. With synthetics this gets a little more expensive so I just change it every 2800 to 3200 miles and sometimes the oil is dirtier than I like it to be. Thinking since it is synthetic oil the engine is still being protected even if the oil is dirty, is this flawed thinking? There were a few times at 2K miles I would have changed the oil if it were not synthetic in my Uly, but proceeded to ride to 2800 or 3K miles since it is synthetic.