Clueless how to use ecmspy

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2012
O.K. I got the cable and a CD ROM from a seller on eBay. It has all the drivers and tuning guides you will ever need. I also downloaded the ecmspy program from one of the users here. Problem is, I HAVE NO FRIGGING' CLUE HOW TO USE IT!!!! LOL. I was under the suspicion my TPS was out. I got a new one from O'reillys and waited for the cable and CD before doing anything. I installed the CD ROM, the ecmspy program and followed all the instructions (not terribly p.c. retarded) but I don't know what to do now. My laptop found new hardware. But the live data after I fired the bike wasn't there. I still am not sure how to back up any files if I DID know what I was doing. At any rate. I put the new TPS on and fired up the bike. Runs like brand new. No popping,spitting,surging. I did not perform the mandatory TPS RESET either, yet it runs perfect. Any ideas for a dum-dum like me?????
Ok. I really wasn't looking to retune it but just get the laptop to read the bike. Thats where im at. I only want to see how it runs in its current stage. And if I need to, then tune it. Right now I have a cd, cable and the program but no idea how to 'jive' the three..
Elaborate. The keys? Im sorry. Once I 'get it' ill be fine. Just a little slow on the uptake.
.... Ahhh ... There's a few posts in that enormous ECMspy thread show you how to connect and turn on the "live" feed from your bike to watch all the parameters the ECM sees in real time ... It takes some significant digging because it has QUITE a few pages of info ... I'm sure there's probably an answer to just about anything you could ask in there somewhere ... If not, I imagine you could always query Xopti ...
Sorry ... My post seems to have taken FOREVER to post from my phone for some weird reason ... lol ^^^ they beat me to it ...
Yea I saw them. Heres whats on my cd. Cable driver,tuning guide, all settings for efi bikes etc. I also have the ecmspy program from the web downloaded too. When I plug into ecm should bike be off with key in the on position first? Then start it? I just dont know what step to take first. If the mods want to delete this thread out of sheer stupidity I wont cry about it.....

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