CR gearing on a R (conversion)

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got this email a while back

Ship it to:

Erik Buell Racing LLC
2799 Buell Drive, Unit C
East Troy, WI 53120

Make sure to include your return shipping address, and also a note specifying what flash you want in it.

You can either send a check along with the ECM made out to Erik Buell Racing LLC, or we can bill you after we receive it and have you pay by PayPal.

bike is in the shop for water pump repairs, now that i got my can of paint
I havent had that problem yet! I always wondered where they leak, thanks for the pic. I have the clutch weep and have had one stator replaced so far. Hope ur dealers are better than the ones around me! Good luck!

Guess that gives u a little time to repair that swingarm huh.:D
Wouldn't it have been cheaper/easier to start with a CR, and hen swap out the front windscreen, and then get after market bars?
That would be another way to do it bxbhighspl. But I already had a R bought at the fire sale over a year ago. Plus if I really want to ride a CR my buddy (03Firebolt9R) will let me ride it anytime I want.

All my parts were bought on ebay with the exception of the belt and left peg support. Bought for a 1/3 of retail. So it really didnt cost that much for the conversion.

BTW bxbhighspl welcome to the board!
I figured that was the case -- you already had an R and wanted the lower gearing. This would have to ruin any warranty you may have had.

In any case, I've really enjoyed reading about the work you're doing. I can't wait to see your pictures of it all put together.
How does the belt come out on the 1125's? Is there a small spacer in there? Or does it just allow for the belt to be pulled out after the top is unbolted with some tension off it?

Setup looks goo, never realized how big the rear pulleys were, almost looks like a stunt sprocket:D
Their is a little spacer in the top of the swingarm that allows the belt to come out bearly. Its the glossey black at the top of the swingarm in the pic.


I am hoping for some nice power wheelies out of this mod. Should be fun!!
@bxbhigh It shouldnt mess with the warranty, unless my workmenship causes something to go wrong. Most Harley techs arent even going to know what I have done unless they start checking part numbers. It all still looks like R stuff except for the huge pulley on the back.:D
In order to change from the CR to an R you would need quite a few parts. Not sure of the expense of it but there are a lot of parts needed. Just in case anyone is thinking of doing it.

Steering head
Fork assemblies (to include the outer tubes and slider components)
Fairing support bracket
Wire harness bracket
Complete fairing, mirrors
Headlamp assembly
Ignition switch and numerous small parts
03Firebolt9R when are you going to convert yours over to a R front end? LOL I guess I could just let you ride mine. [up]:p
I should get my ECM back from EBR on Monday. I have to say they are fast! EBR got the ECM this morning, flashed it and had back on the UPS truck same day. I'm impressed to say the least!
@ 03Firebolt9R

To go CR to R, you may or may not need all those parts. Really, all you're doing is changing your riding position and the front end. If you want to go 100%, then sure, all that stuff you listed. But, I really think the 80/20 rule will kick in....and that last 20 will be costly.
Well got it all back together and now I am having to order a new pulley. The pulley wobbles when the wheel spins, guess its bent too! Sometimes u win on ebay and sometimes u loose.
Red93stang wrote -
I forgot to add, when installing the belt, make sure you can read the part number on the belt while standing on the left side, the belt is directional.

Where did you read that the belt is directional ? Can't find any mention of it in the manual.
nilla- I had the same issue but not as bad as your leak! it was one drip line out of the bleed hole in the water pump housing! fixed now from warranty :D

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