what about tucking the rear of the guard behind/to the inside of the mounting ear/boss, and running the bolt in from the other side?
it would make removing/installing it harder, but would eliminate the welding, and help keep the labor and production costs down. the bolt end would fill in the hole, and it might not look too bad. shiming the front would prolly look smoother tho .... i can take a micrometer to the mounting points and get you a measurement in the AM to see if it will even line-up and resolve the issue.
i don't particularly care to keep the bend that follows the sprocket. your XB stylings look clean and i like that about them.
i think lining up with the mud-guard thingy would be great.
you'd probably only hafta do the side of that little 'horn' enough to tuck it into the mud-guard and fill in that gap.
is there any other 1125-er's out there, or are these being made just for me?
let's get this guy some feedback so he can make a better product for all of us