Custom Guards

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Alright, For the 1125's both of my ideas are going to work, but the mutil bends not going to look as smooth or simple as just the guard with the simple shim. What I will do is make both of them, and then get them shipped out to you Nilla and you can fit them up and see which one looks better. After that you can tell me if there are any changes that might need to be made, and then I can start to produce these for the rest of the guys. :D [up]
Put mine on today.....





nice .... but i think somebody put yer muffler on bass-acwards

Was never a fan of following installation instructions but I thought it looked a little funny when I put it on.
As promised, here is a prototype guard for the 1125's. This was the first one I made and fortunately my buddy just bought one so I now have something to test fit easily on. It came out very close and I only need a make a few minor changes, you can see one obvious change is that it needs to butt up with the mud guard.
Keep in mind it does not have to look like this. I just copied the stock style, it doesn't have to have the bend on the end of it. Let me know your opinions and any changes you might want to see. These will also be customizable just the XB guards I make.

Here you go...







that 1125 is looking good i would want mine short i shortend the stock one to look little better.
can i have a R/T Performance cut in the side?
Have a price for the uppers yet?
i'd like it to be like the XB's (in legnth)
the outline cut where it follows the curve of the pulley.

Keep up the good work!
Yep, I figured everybody would want it shorter. I just made the first one to mimic the stocker.
I will get a shorter one cut up and post some pics.

can i have a R/T Performance cut in the side?

Definitely, once I have them finalized I will get that done for you.

Have a price for the uppers yet?

Since these are a little more material than the XB models and I have to weld the spacer on the inside I am going to up the price by $5, so $45 seems fair to me. Let me know your thoughts.

Thanks again for the feedback guys.
Still working on them, sorry for the wait. I've been busy in general since I make these in my spare time and my buddy that was letting me use his bike for test fitting brought it to school with him in MN so he will be back in a few weeks.
Don't be sorry man. I understand these things take time. If you were in northern california I'd let you use mine I only really have time to ride on the weekends.... sometimes but im thinkin about racing my bike and NHRA requires a guard. Sometimes it sucks being a tech inspector for a drag strip lol
well, here i go begging and choosing:
i'd say the legnth is about right. it looks aproxametly 7 times better than the OEM drooopy-ness IMHO
could the trailing side be cut/trimmed/shaped to more closely match the curve of the pulley?

i like how the OEM lower does that, but i don't like how it ... ... well it's not 'open', but that's kinda it's intended design ...[smirk] ... HMMMMMM
i knew the stock guards did not please me, but i didn't know what specifically it was.

i guess I am just asking you to 'mirror' the lower guard.
haha I figured you would say something like this.

I don't think i will be able to get the exact same curve as the pulley. Simply because the rear mount is on the inner edge of the pulley. Get what i'm saying?

I will make up another and try to get it as close as I can. I believe I am going to have to lower the actual height of the guard and get it closer to the belt in order to get the curve closer.

Stay tuned, I'll post pics.
Man these are some beautiful pieces! As soon as I recover from my spending spree this week i will be ordering two set's of heel gaurds (unsure of design yet) and possibly a belt gaurd! Keep up the good work!!
well I recieved my custom Maas Heel Guards and they are dope! [up]

Would have included a pic BUT after successfully removing the left hand side oem heel guards and installing the new Maas Custom Heel Guard I went to work on the right side...
...thats when it got ugly, for whatever reason the hex key that worked on the left side ended up stripping the right side and now I'll have to drill them out and replace them with [confused]....

anyone have a couple of extra heel guard screws they want to mail to BC?

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