Hi all
thanks for the useful tips- you all just helped me solve 6 months worth of headaches without a trip to the dealer. I have a 2000 M2 and have noted all over the web that, regardless of model, Buells have lots of electrical problems. I had the intermittent crappy running, battery draining (killed three before I stopped just writing it off to buying cheap batteries). So, I had a short somewhere but just couldn't identify it.
Easiest way I have found to trace down the short is a combo of BuellPartsGuy's suggestion and one from another board. To ID the area of interest (after ruling out the obvious sources like bad/dead battery, kickstand switch, etc): place the key in off position, disconnect the negative wire from the battery terminal, place a multimeter set to milliAmps between the negative terminal and the ground wire. If it reads anything other than 0 you have a short somewhere running current to ground. Now start pulling fuses from the block one at a time until the needle drops to 0, indicating you have opened the circuit. (mine was in the Odo/clock fuse). Once you ID the circuit of interest you can start at each of the items in that portion of the wiring diagram and work from the outside in. Make sure to trace each wire/wires around each bend and disconnect each plug/connector you come to (mine was about 12" back from the odometer- some corrosion between two pins on the first connector I came to).
This is a much more systematic way of identifying the offending circuit and tracking down the fault than just randomly pulling on things and looking for bare copper....
Once again thank you to all of you for your posts- your input saved me countless hours and likely even more dollars.
Regards, sean