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Congrats on the new ride!!
You are in for a nice suprize coming from and working on your harleys.

Send your pipe out to Randy Hawkins and your Buell will sound better than your harleys

FYI I sold my 03 with 18k last June for 3,500.
Unfourtionately the deuschbag tottaled it and bought a triumph a month later. He claimed the clutch cable broke and he lost control. Whatever, but maybe u should check your cable.

Watch out though this forum can become addicting resulting in scornful looks from your significant other.
"right on" glad it all worked out[up][up][up][up]
after the oil change you need to set up the suspension for your weight it will make all the difference in the world.
Thanks, I have already been reading the service manual and trying to figure out how to set the suspension. It all looks pretty easy except for the adjustments on the lower forks. That sounded confusing but I will re-read it and figure it out. Here are a couple picts.


Looks like it already has a race pipe

Big score there. I sold mine off of that 03 used for $480 but DON'T sell it they sound so good, wish it would of fit my ss
forgot to say what i get on my 2005 Xb12R Firebolt.
i get about 135 to 140 drivein 70-75mph before light comes on . then i fill it up all the way, it only gets to 2.7 gallons . and i get about 40 miles after light comes on drivin 70-75mph and got 60 miles drivin 45-50 mph after light came on. and when she stopped runing where the pump wasn't pickin up fuel there was about .25 (1/4) of a gallon of unuseable in the tank . i got .75(3/4)gallon left when my fuel light comes on . I also should note this is with 100%gasoline NOT gas with 10% ethanol in it (E10). (I dont run ethanol in my vehicles because it gives you crappy gas milageand it caused the gum build up and sediment from my tank and proably from the gas stations gas storage tanks to loosen up and clogg up my filter on my car and has cause problems to my co workers car's filter and injectors) i get about 50 to 53 mpg if i keep it around 75mph.
that was what i was getting with stock muffler & air filter, stock ecm map, no breather mod then either , now I have race mapped ecm, K&N air filter, & breather mod & buell race exhaust(at least i will again this month get another racepipe for it) I not for sure on the exact milage now but I know it still close 120-140miles on full tank.
Posted: 03 Aug 2008 11:29

Nice looking BUELL , and plus 1 here on getting frame pucks! and the suspension adjust is easy just read it until you understand it. best to wait and get the suspension setup to your wieght with gear on before you ride it, to get the best ride and feel out of your buell in my opinion., and then you can fine tune the suspension if needed!!

WOW!!! that fram filter Really sticks bad, go for the K&N oilfilter KN177 it's black. or at least paint your new one black.
How can I tell if its a race pipe? Also, the Fram will be gone this week when I change all the fluids is it. Is there an easy way to drain the gas out of it, the gas in it smells a little stale to me so I would rather drain whats left in it and fill it with fresh gas. I am also going to order some frame pucks before I start riding it if it ever warms up in Chicago.
nice looking bolt[up]
i wouldn't be to worried about the gas get some fuel stabilizer then fill it up with supreme and call it a day it will not hurt anything as long as the gas has not turned in to varnish and i sticky.
If you crawl under it, it should say for race use only.

Or just post a pic and we will let u know

It could also be a hawk or a drummer.

All good exhaust but the race pipe is no longer made
Where on the pipe does it say "for race use only" ? I can run out and look, I am real curious.
On the belly in the middle somewhere running parallel with the bike at the top of a paragraph


I'm starting to second guess myself on if that pg is on the top or bottom now.

But the outlets btwn the three are pretty diff.
Well here are 2 bad camera phone pics. I did not see any writing, just a plate riveted to it with nothing on it.


Awesome, huge bonus. Now the next question. It also has a K&N filter in it, I found that the other night. I also confirmed that its a stock computer in it. Does that create an issue? I know on a Harley you can change the exhaust but if you do air cleaner and exhaust you need to tune it. Thoughts?
yes with out a retune /&/or race map it would run lean with the race pipe & the K&N airfilter and a stock ecm maps.

other than looking at the ecm itself....see if tit says on it FOR RACE USE ONLY , the ecm is behind the front fairing.

you can see if the ecm says for race use only on it or if it a stock ecm that has been remapped with race maps.
using ECMSpy you can open two seperate windows of ecm spy and do the following:

open in the second ecmspy window with the race map for that year and see if it matches your maps in the first original window, if not try other years race maps in the second window. hope that is understandable...

Great, something else to figure out. I had the fairing off and I am sure it did not say anything on the side facing out. I assume thats where it would be. I guess the first thing I will do is post the part number on the ECM and see if someone can tell me if its a race ECM. I did not notice any popping when I rode it home. Anyone one the Chicago burbs that knows how to use ECMSpy?
just a heads up, the first generation race ecm's (02-03 firebolts) did not say "for race only" on them. if your really worried about it. you can check the part number on the ecm and it should come up as the whole buell factory race kit. but i would not mess with it unless the bike runs hot (glowing headers next to the heads)or is miss firing.
another thing to keep in mind is it is a harley motor so it will back fire or pop sometime while decelerating. that's just a vtwin:D
don't make it overly complicated make sure everything is tight and ride that bi-ch [up]
buells or pretty solid little bikes and from the looks of it the previous owner was not a one tooth tweeker who thought he could make it faster and lighter by removing every other bolt (yes i have come across harleys like that)

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