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Lawyer might be necessary like everyone is suggesting.

Another option is to go through Harley-Davidson head office, customer service. Regardless of the problems we have all seen with Buell support at the dealers, I suspect that there should be some procedures in place for how the dealer should handle this type of situation (Harley or Buell).
your damages are what your 03s' book value is. An attorney is going to tell you to go to small claims court. Like someone said above you don't want to end up with a salvaged titled bike. The dealership has the option of fixing it, so that may be the best you're gonna get. I'de call your state bureau like I suggested and file a complaint, at least they will speed up the process.
is it normal for them to ride a bike after they put tires on it?

it is common practice for most shops to test ride the vehicles after any work has been done. They want the liability off their shoulders should it break 10 miles down the road after you ride off with it. if they test drive it, and make it back safely (usually a couple miles 2-5 or so)they can safely make an argument to an insurrance company that it was working fine when it left.
File a complaint with the BBB ( better buisness bureau) ive had to do this before with buying a house (they tried screwing me on the kept going up every time i talked to the home builder, and when i decided not to sign the contract they refused to refund my down payment as promised). sorry for my rant, but if they wont do whats right then i would report them. hell give HD support line a call and tell them your about to make the call to the BBB against both of for doing it, and HD for letting dealers get away with that kind of crap. Just stand your ground and tell the dealer the bike that was left there had no damage history and the bike that your going to get back shouldnt have any damage history.
I will keep this thred updated every step of the journey from Hell.

People have been asking how bad the damage is:

right handlebar snapped, triple tree cracked, handle bar dented in the gas tank headers scraped up, engine case scrathched up, rear brake and foot pegs snapped off, factory race exhaust and "chin peice" scratched up,

Thank you to everyone who put in there opinions, the people on the fourm are the best and brightest in the motorcycle community! I have a meeting with the owner today. I'll update later.
Wow, I was t-boned by a car and didn't get a lot of that damage. JW, did you have the rubber frame pucks on the bike? That saved my frame when mine went down.

Also, in all honest, go in nice straight to the dealer. Don't make any deals unless it's in writing and you are satisfied. They will do anything to keep from getting sued, and it's very long and drawn out man. Don't go in talking ****, keep your cool, throwing a lawyer and all these threats at them won't have them open up, it will shut them down.

If you do end up getting a Lawyer, whatever happens, you lose 30 something percent off the top,if you go to court it can be even more. My lawyer said it would take about 2 years to get to court after we file for it. So you could end up without a bike for that long.
I have noticed that the closer you get to boston, the worse the HD dealerships get. Im not sure where you are located but I head north to get my bike serviced. The guys at manchester HD Buell are extremely helpful and I have never had a problem with them.
under no circumstances should YOUR insurance pay for it. their shop insurance should be the ones paying for it. i would call your insurance agent and tell them the dealership crashed your bike. you need to do that anyway. i am betting they have more clout than you do as they have their lawyer on speed-dial.
Your insurance will go after their insurance.... It's that simple..... If it is "totaled" ... you will get book value..... Work with the dealer..... Make sure your title stays clean.....
ight handlebar snapped, triple tree cracked, handle bar dented in the gas tank headers scraped up, engine case scrathched up, rear brake and foot pegs snapped off, factory race exhaust and "chin peice" scratched up

holy hell! i thought they just dropped it, like in the shop.....jesus.....def call the BBB, that dealership has to pay! Reasons like that is the reason i do all the work i can myself and for stuff i can't do i find someone who has a passion for bikes and knows what they're doing, not some dumb as* high school kid with an online degree for oil changes.
Ouch dude sorry about the bike. I hope you get it sorted. With all that damage I`m surprised nobody has asked was the tech hurt when he wrecked your baby, not that you have to worry about him at all but would be on my mind albeit in the VERY BACK of it
This post is making me mad. Two key questions:

Is the HD dealership still wanting you to go through your insurance, or have they come to their senses and will take care of the repair with their insurance?

Are they working with you to get this resolved or is this turning into a pissing contest?
I did ask how the tech was ( I do have a soul ) he just has some cuts and scrapes. He said he was "breakinjg in" my new track tires AKA beating the piss oit of it. This is the ONLY time my bike has ever been to a dealer. I didnt feel like mounting my tires... look were it got me.
I take my wheels off and go up to cyclegear and buy the tires and pay $20 a tire to have them mounted and balanced
Being how I've been down before cuz of cold new tires, I understand how a thing like that could happen. Someone has to break in the tires and it just as easily could have been you. **** happens. That doesn't mean you don't deserve a bike in the same condition as how it was when you brought it in. At least everyone is ok and it's not going on your record.