Delta One Crashes :(

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That sucks about the bike man, glad your alright tho! Thank goodness for other people stopping to help you out too
Definitely glad to hear you're ok aside from that bit of rash (that's gonna sting). I gotta get me some of that armor!
I have an extra tail piece I would be willing to sell you for what I paid if you want it. Otherwise I got all the extra stuff going to my bike[smirk]

Glad your ok, did you have full coverage or plpd? You may be able to get her insurance to pay some?
Glad you are OK. It could have been much worse. You said it all, "the gear did it's job."
Sorry about the whole situation but the bike's fixable. Just glad to hear your okay. Like you said, that could've ended much worse.
That last pic looks like you got shot in the ass.
LOL yea it even scratched up my wallet, that wallet was my fathers day present this year[sad] upsetting

She woulda driven off with you too and left your poor bike all alone.
yea my poor bike [sad] Ill see if I cant get pics up today of it

and it turns out Michigan covers motorcycles different, she is responsible for my medical but not my repairs or deductible, and somehow my collision is a grand[mad]
I just asked to drop my deductibles down to 250 a few weeks ago when I added Sarah's kawi to my policy.

fortunately I added another 3 grand in coverage for accessories and aftermarket putting me at 6k in coverage, and that part has a ZERO deductible! SCORE! very little stock parts were damaged so I may come out ok despite getting a little hosed.
thanks everybody for the well wishes, I am pretty sore this morning but the bit of rash hurts less now than it did last night.

found some bruises that I didn't know were coming and some don't even hurt. I think I'll be fine and very little scarring if any at all.

thank goodness for sacrificial gear :D[up]
Sorry to hear about the accident! It's a good thing you were wearing good gear.

I went down last year and wasen't wearing any of my normal gear (was just a trip up my street and back) and got MASSIVE road rash and was out of commision for months. They wanted to graph but I said HELL NO and I'm glad they didn't, although my skin grew back slow, its fine now other than having huge scars (they are smooth like normal skin, just discolored).

Your gonna feel a little more ache and some more bruising will pop up tomorrow, so be prepared. It normally takes 1 to 2 days for everything to pop up.

Do yourself a favor and buy some silvadene cream for the road rash, best stuff ever, though my wounds were pretty darn deep.

Theres two kinds of riders, those who've been down and those who WILL go down. Welcome to the other side and glad it was minor!

If you do go shopping for another Buell let me buy your wreck :)

I got some CR clubmans If your looking and I just saw the same air box cover that I have on ebay for $180. Sorry to hear about that and I'm glad your ok. Maybe you need a louder exhaust hahaha
good to hear your unhurt.every time ive been down ive walked away and considered it my lucky day.
glad you're okay. It's amazing how you see signs and such about sharing the road with motorcycle and she gets a slap on the wrist. I wonder what she would have got if you were seriously injured. Glad you had a witness cause I'm sure it would have been your fault.
Theres two kinds of riders, those who've been down and those who WILL go down. Welcome to the other side and glad it was minor!

I had hopped that going down in the dirt would have counted because I have done that dozens of times

I got some CR clubmans If your looking

I found some cheep at my Harley dealer but shoot me a pm with price if you get a chance, thanks bats

Glad you had a witness cause I'm sure it would have been your fault.
yea that's what I was afraid of too, so I was very grateful when the bystander said he would wait with me for the cops and give a statement.

funny but I never mentioned that we saw a trooper go by while I was talking to 911
and I waited a bunch of rings for them to pick up too... it probably only felt so long because I was so amped up though.