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+1 more for Battley. I think it helps that they sell not only HD, but also Ducati, BMW, and Yamaha. OTOH, another HD (only) dealer that is much closer to me was the quintessential "If you don't ride HD, we don't give a ****" dealer. Terrible customer service. So, while I could have purchased my $12 kickstand pivot pin at that local HD dealer which is only 20 minutes away from me, I instead opted to ride almost an hour away to Battley to get it. :D
New tires are here

Pilot Power 2ct's

190/50 rear

Let us know how you like those 2ct. I have the I have th regular Pilot Power's on my Lightning and I love them. The Dunlop that came on the bike did not grip like the Michelin's. I road to work the past two days and it has been cold. With cold pavement and cold tires the tire would slide on me. Once they get some heat in them they are fine.
Clutch cable is installed! The new cables are much improved over the old. They are teflon-lined and much shorter (reduces stretching). Overall, the new clutch cable greatly improves the clutch action.
Clutch cable is installed! The new cables are much improved over the old. They are teflon-lined and much shorter (reduces stretching). Overall, the new clutch cable greatly improves the clutch action.

Hey zaxrex,

I got my clutch cable from Whitt's it came in a plastic bag with a Buell sticker on it. Did yours come packaged the same way? Did it come with a O-ring? My cable came with out the O-ring. If you order one from American Sport Bike clutch cable comes In a HD marked bag. So I wonder if the Buell clutch cable can be cross referenced to a HD part number?
It came in a Buell marked bag. I was told that this is the newer clutch cable that was released only with the 2010 Buell XBs, but is backwards compatible with the older XBs. It certainly is much shorter. There was no O-ring, but the cable came with built-in thread-locker. It seems to be doing the trick. FWIW, there was no O-ring on my stock cable either.
These tires are great, partly because my last tires were flat spotted and cupped. I cant vouch for their cornering ability since I have yet to hit some roads where there are some corners. Only thing I noticed is that my mph is off now that I went to a 190. I have a gps on my bike it was dead on before with the 180, now it is off by a few mph. I noticed when on the highway doing 80 on the speedo it said 76 on the gps, no biggie to me though.
Better to read faster than actual. Won't hurt as much when getting pulled over.:D
To the wallet that is.
Only thing I noticed is that my mph is off now that I went to a 190. I have a gps on my bike it was dead on before with the 180, now it is off by a few mph. I noticed when on the highway doing 80 on the speedo it said 76 on the gps, no biggie to me though.

I have the 180 on my lightning and my speedo has always been off by 3-5mph. My brothers Ulysses is the same way.
Just Seafoamed my bike. I don't think detonation will be a problem anymore... a LOT of carbon was burned out :D
Nope, I refuse to add ANYTHING to the crank case that's not certified API oil.

I opened the air box and sprayed right into the velocity stack while the motor was running (similar to introducing Seafoam into a vacuum line like a brake booster in a car). The trick is to spray enough to ALMOST stall the bike, but not to hydrolock it ;). As it's about to stall, cut the ignition and let the Seafoam sit in the cylinders and valves for 20-30 minutes. Then start it up and ride the **** out of it. If everything went well, the whole neighborhood will soon be dark :evil:
It came in a Buell marked bag.  I was told that this is the newer clutch cable that was released only with the 2010 Buell XBs, but is backwards compatible with the older XBs.  It certainly is much shorter.  There was no O-ring, but the cable came with built-in thread-locker.   It seems to be doing the trick.  FWIW, there was no O-ring on my stock cable either.

I discovered that the clutch cable that Battley ordered me was the Uly clutch cable. I'm a little nervous riding on the clutch cable that's physically much shorter, though it seems like it doesn't inhibit my steering it certainly doesn't follow the same guides as the stock cable... not sure what I'm going to do...