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muay thai or krav Maga
was going to be starting that next week .. deff looking forward to it!
I can't do deadlift or squats again YET as my ankle repairs are still mending also... =/...
slow and steady broski.. after my shoulder BS it took me forever to get back up, was barely able to do 250 for the longest time




@Negative .. Ready for some yoga?? I already signed us up homie
Say Whaaaaaat?!?!!1!/!? ... I'm in like a ..... um ... well I'm in .... [up] :D

Leave paperwork was put in so fast I think it's still smoldering in my supervisor's inbox ... ignore the sonic boom you'll be hearing in about .... 22.5 hours (give or take an hour with traffic conditions) ... [cool]
He pickz eet up und he putz eet down!!!...

At least I know if i ever end up on a ride with ya and have two flat tires I can count on you to shoulder my bike back for me broskiphus maximus..... [up]
I do not 'lift weights' or 'body build', power lifting does not interest me nor do a persons 1 rep max for 'the bench', (I have not done a bench press in over 4 years) 'squat' or 'dead lift' mean anything to me.

No offense is meant by that statement it is just what it is...


..but I am a beast.
I have a unlimited gas tank and bury guys 20 yrs younger then me BUT I am hardly all that and a bag of chips,
I am just a guy in his 46th year who enjoys life, works hard, plays hard and knows that the journey of life is aboot continually learning and evolving.

and aside from medical marijuana and some wobbly pops on the weekends I eat only grassfed meat or game meat, no frankenfood for this cat.
On our Facebook page I try to educate people that 'we are what we eat' so if your eating ****...guess what?

Anyways this is me this morning...

6'2" @ 190-195# always (last four years I walked around at 200-205 and leaned out for the TM last year to 190)








train HARD & train SMART!


nor do a persons 1 rep max for 'the bench', (I have not done a bench press in over 4 years) 'squat' or 'dead lift' mean anything to me.

wasnt trying to "impress anyone" lol ... im not a "body builder" nor a "power lifter"... I train daily like a beast because of my job. Im a Infantry Mortar man. ask anyone that knows what being a mortar man entails. You need to be a beast in my field of work if not you'll fall apart

But i will deff agree with ya .. if you eat like ****, thats all youll be . gotta eat clean
wasnt trying to "impress anyone" lol ... im not a "body builder" nor a "power lifter"... I train daily like a beast because of my job. Im a Infantry Mortar man. ask anyone that knows what being a mortar man entails. You need to be a beast in my field of work if not you'll fall apart

I get where your coming from bro, the posts opening comment was not directed at anyone, just a fact on how I feel.

(some of my PED using peers really get pissed off for me using the label 'juice monkey', I've even heard the excuse 'but I have body dismorphic disorder, cause I think I am always too small...'
for ***** sake get your ass on Dr. Phil ya 250# pussy...but I digress, everyone is different)

I often wished I had the genetics of Ahhr-nold when I began my fitness journey lifting (picked up my first DB @ 26) and trying to be a gym rat, I soon realized that having the genetics of a drinking straw (ectomorph), that I would have to use copius amounts of PED's to achieve those goals....
so I changed how I thought and what I know and here we are 20 years later still living the lifestyle, healthier happier and sharing the passion of health & fitness.

so whatever your doing nrankin, keep it up as it is obviously working for you.

Again these posts are not directed at anyone, just my opinion and if that ties anyone's fallopian tubes in a knot I apologize and will make you a chamomile/Valerian tea to calm your nerves.

As I've always said to my clients, recruits or victims..."think outside the box"

I completely hear ya bro ... Everybody has there own niche or how when it comes to fitness and health .. But for me .. Gym rat and meathead has been my fortay haha

Buddha where are you located ? Jw
I used to go to the gym, never made any real gains, so I stopped. Saw ads for P90x and tried that, made it through 2 months and lost interest. I wasn't eating right, and didn't see any difference. Now I'm 6 weeks into Les Mills Combat, still not seeing any gains, but it is a lot more fun to do and I work up a hell of a sweat doing it. Still though, my nutrition isn't right and I'm not seeing the changes that others see.

I am Beach body Coach, so if you want to order a program, supplements, or equipment let me know and I can get you set up. (so when you buy stuff I get credit)