Dragon V

Buellxb Forum

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crazsain or crazy asian is on the forum im not sure what his username is but he never posts anything i end up telling him whats going on.
Convic I have a good run with you on film that I'm working on. Let me know when you guys head back. I might be able to swing it. Not terribly far from where I am.
Hey all, Crazian here. Even with the rain that was definitely the best weekend of riding I've ever had, and I CAN NOT wait until next year!

Hope everybody made it home safe and sound, and kept an eye out for those pesky wood chucks!;)
Definitely going up the week of the 4th. My b-day is the 7th, might go on the 2nd and come home the 4th early am. Infamous and GA you down, anyone else?
For you guys that ordered shirts i will try and get them in the mail.
Cherry goes to see the specialist about her thumb and shoulder on Friday.
so far so good with dairyland time will tell just how good they are or aren't
Rob sorry to hear about Cherry's mishap. Give her our best.
To the rest of the Dragon V participants a big 'ol FU because I'm jealous LOL!! I WILL be at next years for sure...
Definitely going up the week of the 4th. My b-day is the 7th, might go on the 2nd and come home the 4th early am. Infamous and GA  you down, anyone else?
sounds good to me. Will have to put some dates down for sure. The 4th is my dad's bday so I would t be able to go on the 4th.
I envy y'all mother !@#$%^& that live so close to the dragon . Florida's roads SUCK [down] . I'm gonna go cry now .

Cherry Says Thanks Boss.
Fla she says FU doesn't do her any good till she heels up