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Ya, maybe I'll get the K&N airfilter then...when it comes time to replace the original. Do you think the K&N really has an effect on performance? I know they claim a boost in hp and yada yada. But is it really true? I do like that the filter is re-useable. That alone makes it worth it. I don't get why the breather needs a re-route in the first place. If it's better for the bike to re-route it, why wasn't it routed that way in the first place? EB dreams up oil in the swing arm, fuel in the frame, funky brake...but it takes yahoos like us (and I mean that in the kindest way) to engineer a better breather? haha. You know what I mean?
^^^ What he said for the Re-Route

K&N Airfilter will allow better air flow. As far as seeing numbers on the Dyno... It might be a horse or two. It's really all about making your bike work less for it's air and exhaust. All of the mods coupled together is where you see the result.
EPA--i totally forgot.

I'm thinking the EBR with the can is where its at. K&N when I get to it, re-route the breather when I can get to it. Would you guys agree?
Filter and Re-Route are SUPER easy mods. The two took me a total of like 20 minutes to do. And wicked cheap.
I say jump on it.
Im sure alot of people know already but EBR is reproducing a similar race pipe to the first XB one. April was the last I heard about releasse.
Its funny you mention EBR is going to do a pipe. I asked them like a month 1/2 ago with an email if they had any plans on doing a pipe and got no response. So I went ahead and had a drummer made. I have no doubts the drummer will be great. But I would have liked to have given my business to EBR just as a show of support to him.

midnight82 I'm with you--maybe i just go ahead and throw a K&N in there and do the re-route. With the re-route I probably just go to the hardware store, buy some tubing, splice, clamp,re-route, viola. No?

Heck, the more I think about it...is there any reason why I couldn't do the ECM myself too? you just unplug the stock ECM and snap in the EBR ECM right?

The pipe I'll leave to the dudes in the shop I think. I have a garage space where I park but they get biyatchy if you do anything more than just park. I don't feel like changing out my can on the sidewalk.
Which bike do you have?
If you have the firebolt, you'll have to take your fairing off. The ECM is mounted on the back of the fairing stay.

Once you have it plugged in, you'll have to do a TPS reset, then reajust your idle.

From what I've heard your idle will be crazy high when you first plug it in.
The K&N and breather mod are pretty easy, go ahead and do them when changing everything else. The ECM took me about 5 minutes to change out, and that was only cause it took me 4 minutes to find the right size socket! You will probably need to move the battery a little to get the screws out...
Guess I should have asked this earlier, but do i need to adjust my idle? I did the tps reset, but I noticed it was idling a little higher wich i thought it would.
My idle was differnt as well.

Old ECM would take a few second of turning over before it would catch, would start at 18-1900rpms, then slowly drop over 30-60 seconds to about 1000.

EBR ECM cranks immediately without hesitation and sits at 2000rpms for a good minute without dropping, but once I start riding it idles at 1000.

This is without a tps reset, just plugged it in and started riding. I think I'll do a tps reset in the parking lot before I head home, I just keep forgetting to do it!
I heard the standard ECM is set up different for the Australian version, this true?

I'm guessing if I buy the EBR ECM it will be set up for the US?
Hey Guys,

I have an 08 xb12r special ops exhaust, EBR racing ECM, K&N filter, and breather mod. While the bike fired right up and is loud is hell, i actually notice some hesitation when i get on it a bit and when I decelerate from about from about 4000 or so RPM down to 2500 I get a large amount of popping.

Do you guys have any ideas or suggestions on what i should do?


Well, some interesting results with the tps reset...

Did it exactly by the instructions, fired it up and it started at about 1800rpm's. Within about 6-8 seconds dropped to about 1000, then back up to 2000-2500. Did this a couple times then dropped to about 500 and died. Fired it back up and it started doing pretty much the same thing, surging up and down, but not dying. Did another reset, but swapped the order of the first two steps (kill switch on first, then key to on), seemed to smooth it out a little, but still a little bit of surging and high idle.

Have a good 35-40 minute highway commute home, so hoping the ECM got to learn things on the ride, we'll see how it does in the morning!
Hmm, idle is still odd this morning. After initial start up it would drop and surge between 1000 and 2000rpms. But once I start riding it calms down and idles at 1000 pretty steady.

Could also hear a kind of "coughing" though the airbox (which is new) and a dip in rpms below 1000 when applying the clutch from higher rpms, wonder if eliminating the airbox completely will help that?

The power increases throughout the entire rpm range is incredible, but these side effects are pretty damn annoying...should I keep trying tps resets until it idles normal?
Miami - Have you done the breather reroute yet?

On your ride home last night, did you keep it within 3k-4k rpms for the learning period?
Yep, breather reroute has been done and ran about 3900rpms for about 20-30 minutes on the way home.
Do the TPS reset until it is within the parameters in the tuning guide. Hit the reset button, then adjust idle. I had the same issue until I did this.