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Miami, since you have an '09, the tuning guide does not pertain to you. It is for 07 and older bikes, and select 08 XB9 ECMs.
Ah, got it...so should I just keep trying tps resets till the idle seems fixed?
So been trying tps resets, it's doing nothing, and actually starting to run worse. Dies once or twice every start up, idle is still up and down.

While sitting at idle before leaving work today it dropped to 500rpm, chugged like it was on one cylinder for a few second and died...and it did that twice. Early into the actual ride home it felt like it was bucking/stuttering at higher rpms (greater than 5k) pretty much the entire time I could hear it sounded like it was sucking hard to get air in the airbox. At the end of the ride it was fine...

I'm considering doing an airbox delete, think that will help?

I'm also wondering if I might have a fouled plug?

Don't know, but I'm open to suggestions...
I Added some holes to my airbox and the similar issues I was having to yours went away. It also helped with some of the popping i was getting on decel.
I have same kind of thing going on now. I recently had to repair my inner fuel pump wires as they were shorting out my bike....

After replacing the fuel filters (figured I would why I could), getting it all back together, and riding for a few days, I started to notice couple new blue spots on my pipes...along with popping on decel for first five-ten minutes of my ride. I've had my special ops, breather route w/catch can, open airbox, custom airbox, and k&n mods and all put together with Xoptiinside, on my 06 12r, for about two years now. Besides the familar 2900-3000 rpm random hick-up...she has always run like a beast.

So I did a oil/filter change along with a TPS reset thinking that would maybe take popping on my decel out since I never had that prob before. IT took a couple times to get it right but finally got it, so I thought. I still have popping on decel and I am gonna try the reset again tomorrow because my dumb@#$ did not know about the the learn time...

I don't know if my TPS reset is messing with maps or what but any input would be great.
I'm also wondering if I might have a fouled plug?

Don't know, but I'm open to suggestions...


The issues I was having are all but gone now and all i did this morning was throw in a new pair of stock plugs. What a difference! I would def. give a new set of plugs a try.

Yeah, I have some iridium plugs on the way, supposed to be harder to foul, hoping that'll help!
The bike idles a hell of a lot better now, and the power delivery is smooth through the entire rpm range. It was like night and day.
That's good to hear, my plugs are supposed to be here tomorrow, and I have an airbox delete coming mid week as well. Really hoping these will help, otherwise I might be better off with the stock ECM...I'd miss the crazy power but I have to get rid of this weird idle!
I would def. wait until you put air box delete on before you make any decisions about ripping the ecm out.

I was at that point too though, I felt pretty stupid that with all of the troubleshooting I did all I needed was a deep wall socket and a new set of plugs....
New iridium plugs and airbox delete are in...fired it up last night, everything looked good, let it idle for about 5 mins...sat pretty steady at 1800rpm at startup, slowly crept down to about 1100rpm, everything stayed pretty steady. Took it for a ride, about 45 minutes, started off keeping it at pretty steady rpms to make sure the ECM was good with the changes, toward the end got pretty aggressive. Everything ran fine, looked like all was good...

This morning fired it up for my ride to work, problem is back. Idle is all over the place, when engaging the clutch from mid to higher speed the rpms drop below 1000 and it kind of coughs through the airbox before it picks back up.

I'm going to try one more tps reset before I head back home, if it's still the same I'm going to contact ebracing and see if they have any suggestions, or maybe if they'll take it back to try and reflash it or something...
Even worse this afternoon, should have shot a video of it before I rode home...

I've email Erik, hope he can help make it right...
Everything electrical looked ok, but I'm no expert.

Erik got back to me, he's consulting his fuel injection specialists.

Here's a vid of the cough...this is after it had warmed up a bit already (rode to the gas station to air up a tire), coughs happen at about :31 and :51...
I just posted another vid I shot this morning from a cold start. I'm at work though and can't embed it (damn gov't computers...), but if you search under my name, TheMiami78 on youtube, it should come up. Shows all the idle issues I'm having. I'll embed it when I get home this evening.
I would be interested in what EBR has to say when they get back with you..........mine is doing almost the exact same thing, thanks for the vidieo, I know it's not just me now. I've put my stock filter and the stock ecm back in for now. I just gave my copy of ecm spy to the Buell mechanic at the dealership to let him look at and see if he wants to tackle tuning my stock ecm, he's gonna get back with me on Monday, hopefully with some good news. BTW my set up was the NGK iridium plugs, K&N filter and jardine pipe.
i have been noticing a cough at cruise speed as well. interested to see what EBR tells you
i had my ebr race ecm deliverd and tried fitting. my bike carried on and kept dying straight from the outset. contacted ebr, and have been told they have a batch with a few issues and wait a few days while they sort and then send me another ecm. mine is hte 09 buell xb12r.
maybe suggest that you guys are having a similiar issue.
twoguns - who did you talk to at EBR?

They had me pull my newly installed iridiums to see if there was any fouling (there wasn't) and suggested I might want to run a hotter plug in my front cylinder. Haven't gotten the new plug for the front, but the bike is still running the same...like crap for the first 15 minutes, then great once it's completely warmed up. Trying to get back in touch with Dan from EBR, but me being Pacific time by the time I get home from work it's too late to call back to the east coast...