New iridium plugs and airbox delete are in...fired it up last night, everything looked good, let it idle for about 5 mins...sat pretty steady at 1800rpm at startup, slowly crept down to about 1100rpm, everything stayed pretty steady. Took it for a ride, about 45 minutes, started off keeping it at pretty steady rpms to make sure the ECM was good with the changes, toward the end got pretty aggressive. Everything ran fine, looked like all was good...
This morning fired it up for my ride to work, problem is back. Idle is all over the place, when engaging the clutch from mid to higher speed the rpms drop below 1000 and it kind of coughs through the airbox before it picks back up.
I'm going to try one more tps reset before I head back home, if it's still the same I'm going to contact ebracing and see if they have any suggestions, or maybe if they'll take it back to try and reflash it or something...