ECM content screwed up after ECM Spy flashing attemp?

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Here are the both maps for front btw:


Or did I open up ECMRead fetch with ECMSpy? Is that possible? Tried so many things that night, might have confused a view things.

I know that I tried to safe ECMSpy and burn it with ECMRead which didnt work because of size issues....

Uuuugh, too much thinking for today. Time for bed.
Hahah. Things can get complicated real quick.

I would suggest you ditch the whole ECMRead/ECMSpy deal and come over to the dark side: TunerPro. I'm holding a tuning webinar this coming Saturday at 11 AM PST. If you'd like to attend, I can walk you through how to tune your bike from start to finish. You'll be able to apply the same concepts to both readable 08 and standard 09 ECMs.

Otherwise, there's a lot of good info out there on how to modulate parameters in your bike using TunerPro. It's far more powerful and works for all fuel injected Buells.
which kind of protection provides tunerpro against writing wrong eeprom type into the ecm?
Hi actopus,

I'm definitifly interested. I got TunerPro installed, but wasnt able to do more with it then loading the maps and see the current status on the ECM so far....


BTW, still leaves the question how to flash the original content back to the ECM without ECMRead working
You can push a stock map back onto your ecm. Just PM me your email address with year/model and I'll get you a map to return it back to stock.

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