-Chain is easier to install and to remove, no need to remove wheel and disassemble swingarm, no need to remove tensioner, no need to follow particular sequence in installation process, it is faster and easier.
Unlike a chain... There is NO maintenance interval for the belt. If you replace one it's a simple job and even cleaner than a chain replacement too! Remove the wheel with 2 bolts, the swingarm access bar is 2 bolts, and I don't even remove the tensioner.
-No need to remove chain, wheel and swingarm and to do a bunch of another related things to maintain motorcycle, or to rotate engine, or to reach rear shock absorber or O2 sensor, with chain you can reach all this stuff fast and easy.
Wut? Are you saying you remove the belt to change an o2 sensor? Geez.
-Good heavy duty Japanese X or Z ring chain from reputable manufacturer will last compatible amount of time as belt.
Once again There is NO maintenance interval for a belt. There is NO "lifetime" chain
-Chain does not brake unpredictable. When chain goes bad you will definitely know it is time to replace it, but it still will work many miles before it will brake.
Wrong. Just wrong. And its spelled "break"
-Chain does not trap dirt, rocks, branches and another stuff so you can ride it everywhere fearlessly.
They do, and it can be just as catastrophic
-Chain does not load wheel bearing, tensioner bearing, output shaft bearing and swingarm bearings.
Yes it does and because chain doesn't 'give' at all... shock loading is much worse!
-Chain is more efficient than belt, more horsepower, more fuel economy.
True, but an immeasurable super tiny insignificant amount to a street bike.
-Chain is capable to hold more power without breaking.
Huh? What size chain? What size belt? Please link tests PUN!!! lol
-Chain is the only easy way for 240 rear wheel conversion.
Then those 10 silly people need to go with a chain.
-You can change front sprocket to rear sprocket ratio easily.
Or you can pay hours of your time for additional work once-twice per year to maintain your motorcycle with belt.HUH? Thats the thing about these belts. Zero maintenance, Zero replacement. What are you doing to your belt twice a year? What twice a year maintenance requires belt removal?