K kdub627 Member Joined Feb 28, 2011 Messages 21 Apr 18, 2012 #1 Well was riding and all of a sudden heard a loud noise in the engine like I blew it, anyways shut her down and got a buddy to come with a truck. Here is what I found and what should I do!!!!??? btw its a 2003 XB9R with 12K miles
Well was riding and all of a sudden heard a loud noise in the engine like I blew it, anyways shut her down and got a buddy to come with a truck. Here is what I found and what should I do!!!!??? btw its a 2003 XB9R with 12K miles
J JOEL9 Well-known member Joined Oct 8, 2008 Messages 2,037 Apr 18, 2012 #2 Spark plug?[confused] can't tell from pic.
T Thunderstorm Well-known member Joined Jul 16, 2009 Messages 53 Apr 18, 2012 #3 looks like a spark plug blew out, [confused]
D Dingo Well-known member Joined Feb 9, 2012 Messages 228 Apr 18, 2012 #4 that was the Spark plug!! use starter and you can hear the Air coming out of hole...
N newyorkbuell Well-known member Joined Apr 12, 2011 Messages 213 Apr 18, 2012 #6 put a new plug back in....hopefully it didnt take the threads out when the plug came out.
S Stevenc150 Well-known member Joined Aug 12, 2008 Messages 5,144 Apr 19, 2012 #7 Time-sert it, I'm betting the threads are history.