Engine noise from my XB12R

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oh that is so classic i love the springer front end and the classic set it looks like a hard tail?

be easy
syn at times can make a motor louder...lot of harley owners I know and mine also seemed louder with syn oil..many harley riders and mechanics dont use straight syn ... and the dont use motor oil in there tranny or primary ..harley went with using there oil in all three holes for one reason ,,,because they where loosing money from people going to other brand motor tranny and primary oils....they people who are new to harleys and dont know better use the same in all three holes...thats why there loud and shift with a clunky sound...your missing out on a smooth quiet ride...someone mentioned metal shavings on there magnet drain plug...dam right the oil it to thin.....there not a race bike or race motor its a harley put together with lose tolerance..thats why they sound the way they do...right tranny primary oil once a year is good enough and can go longer if you needed to
Im new to the Buell scene. I have owned several other Harleys and this thing rocks. I just stole an 08 12R. The noise you guys are talking about it most likely normal. This thing is 10 times quieter than my pan and shovel were. As everyone else has said, just do your maintenace and stay on to of eveerything and she will last you for a long time. I got 25,000 out of my shovel before I had to do anything to the motor. I've heard of sporsters and later model harleys with 40,000+. Take care of them and they will take care of you.
So, the 'tap-tap-tap' I hear while idling is normal? Good.

It started hearing it after switching to HD Syn - so I'm switching back to Mobil 1 20/50 racing oil.
My 2008 XB12R developed a noise the past few days... I was up in the mountains on Sunday, reving it high, and after that ride I can hear a loud noise after around 3k rpm. That sound was not there before, is quite loud and sounds as if a screw is loose and vibrating. I'm not sure if it's coming from the timing chain, crank/rod/motor, tranny... It also does the noise on neutral, I have changed oil and oil filter more than 1000 miles ago I believe.
I know it can be a million things, but since the closest HD service is more than an hours ride away, I've got no free time from work, and they are very VERY expensive over here, I am asking if someone had a similar experience, and what was it on thei bike?
I have noise too (07XB9R/9Kmiles), previous owner used Mobil synthetic oil. For what I hear is the noise normal but is the first time I hear and not in my past BUELLs. I never use different brand before, I always use regular HD (Not HD synthetic).
Any comments?
It looks like its been a wile since anyone has been on this topic. I have always had valve tick when driving below 3000 rpm for too long in my 2009 xb12scg.
My history on the bike is that I bought it used but with only 310miles on it. The oil sat in it for 3 years. The dealer said they change the oil but did not as I did and it was blacker than black. My understading of the hydraulic adjusted valves in my old car was that dirty oil makes them tick more. I plan to change the oil several times as I did in my VW corrado to make it quiet down. I thing going 1000miles on this bike before changing the oil is not a good idea. If this helps I will keep this post informed.
I have noticed that the engine does not like to run at low rpms as this noise from the valves gets more frequent.
Well with my 04 XB12R I've changed the oil 3 times in as many weeks, and the noise is different; even louder. I was concerned that maybe I'd done some minor damage when overfilling but the plugs are OK, the power is still there. I guess the new sound is just the bike revelling in fresh oil :)

I have new plugs and HT's on the way for peace of mind.
Thanks Route, I'll check that. I just need to find my manual now so I know what I'm doing...
I just got tired of wondering. So i threw in a quart of slick 50 and some 15w50 and wrung the snot outta the piece of junk. Now I got a piece of junk with a thrown rod or a slipped main. At least i will find out tomorrow when I tear it down!!!!
I got a noise that is loudest at 2500 rpm. even when winding down it is loudest at that point. Don't know what that is. I do hear a tick that only happens at low rpms level throttle and sounds like rods slappin around.
Question 1 does anyone know about the 2500 rpm noise, Don't know where it comes from.

Question 2. Is it safe to assume that at low rpms and level throttle that a push rod can literally bounce off the cam with what little play it may have? Like a harmonic bounce. Damn things got enough got enough torque at idle you would think it may slap those rods around.
Thanks Andrew NW Iowa
I have an issue with unusual noise as well. It sounds like components on the top have of the motor, maybe rocker box or push-rods, hard to tell, the sound is proportional to rpm. I recently took off my primary cover and gear/oil pump to have them powder coated and the headers to be ceramic coated. in the process of taking of the oil pump, my rear exhaust cam fell out. I had to take off the rear cylinder rocker box in order to relieve pressure on the hydraulic lifter to re-seat the cam. I aligned the cam to its marking on the other, rotated the engine a few cycles/rechecked to insure alignment was good. Believe it is. replaced all of the gaskets, re-installed rocker box, strapped the bike back together. started it up, and immediately heard an unfamiliar mechanical noise. almost like a clicking. Bike idles fine, no check engine light, however the oil light remains on. So I think there is a lack of oil pressure(px) and therefor no oil is lubricating the rather dry engine components. I remove the oil pump cover and inspect, everything looks kosher. Nice clean oil is coming in. Clean oil on the outside of the filter. Dirty old oil on the inside of the filter(Oil filter had only 200 miles on it). Intent was to run it for a hundred or so then do a full oil change. I check the oil px sensor, seams good. disconnect the oil line to the the oil cooler and start the bike up for a few seconds....no oil comes out. go farther up the chain. remove oil filter, and run another few seconds...no oil pressure going to the filter...checked the bypass valve...seems good, but not sure if it is stuck open and sending everything back....I am at a loss. With the dipstick removed the oil tank seams overfilled, oil comes seeping out. I drained the thing during the project and added the 2.5 after i finished...Any ideas? can the primary chain affect this situation?

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