England vote in or out of Europe overnight tonight!

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Happy Independence day!

Brilliant!! thanks nicholas! i prefer the sound of yours more the 4th July is way cooler that 24th June but hey i can live with that! lol There is a new air of happiness growing over here right now!! :eagerness:
Children of the once great empire known as Great Britain shall now be in total darkness....as if their illuminated collective paths have been extinguished once and for all.....just as Lucas electrics showered the roadway with soft soothing beams of light...until nightfall arrived.
warm regards,
vienna, austria
that was far more coherent than an original ich, but props nonetheless :)
i hear ya mope...it actually was quite coherent and eloquent...unlike his usual bull****. was going to throw in some jibberish regarding hitler, the holocaust and how it all relates to ecm mapping and stoichiometric A/F values and ratios....but ran out of time.
^^^ All the above posts are super brilliant and funny BLESS YOU ALL chaps!! AZ and Lusipher LMFAO, Rc and submax thanks chaps, Gloom wow thanks mate and Cooter you are welcome here anytime mate! you all are!! Well the Germans want us to start pulling out now and not wait until october hey no problem! The BBC are a bunch of negative doom and gloom **** stirring ******s!! The pound ended yesterday at only 2.7% down so enjoy the exchange rate while you can! ha ha ha :D
It's all over the news here Tone. Many are shocked, the others are jubilant. Not often do we get to see history change overnight, but this is one of those times. It seems the silent majority are finally standing up and saying enough is enough. Hopefully we'll benefit from some of the inertia started over there.
I hope it goes down faster than the Soviet Union.. fuggin' let those nations be who they are.. England was its own Empire for centuries, who in their right mind would say that it cant do its own thing and that it needs a bunch of faceless unaccountable bastards telling it what to do.. those fugs give two chits about England. This same injustice caused the creation of the USA, now the Britons "get it"... now they just got to knock some sense into the other half of their population. (the younger half). I predict the UK will make a strong comeback because they took the initiative, France and Austria will be soon to join them I think. Europe will be a team of strong individual nations working together instead of a artificial and tyrannical "collective". Well played England, well played.

jl551c you got that right mate! The wealthy over here are throwing all their toys out of the pram and stamping their feet, well bollocks to them they had it their way for far too long! They now want another referendum! no chance! These are mainly young people who have no knowledge of what it was like before the EU! we have only been in it 44 years FFS and how old is England! I am so proud of the "normal" people for finally standing up to the upper class controlling twats here and in europe, why should another country tell us how we can ride our bikes and what they have to be like and try to make us look like a F**king christmas trees while we ride it!! Look how pissed off europe is so who stands to lose most, they aint crying because they will miss us thats for sure its because they just lost one of their cash cows!! I hope it has a positive effect on America and i really mean that!! :eagerness:

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