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a local guy with a stretched hayabusa with chrome and a 300 rear tire was giving me a hard time last summer
him "how many CC's in that cute little bike of yours?"

me "oh I have the small one (he grins a little)
its only 984cc's

him "holy crap! that little thing is a liter bike!"

I get that a lot, cute girls bike why don't you step off the 250 and buy a Gixxer?

so I start it up and his jaw along with the other hecklers drop to the asphalt.

I know I'm on an XB but its the same story all around nobody can read BUELL or knows what they are about even after all these years.
just the other day
me-a pair of plugs for a 2007 Buell XB12S
parts guy- who makes that sounds italian
me-Its american
parts guy-prolly rare, bet u we dont have them

after a few mins talkin to other parts guy

parts guy-that has a harley 1200 engine in it, it is american!

me- imagine that
I just had it today, hey is that your Ducati parked out there?

my XB doesn't even have a latter frame.
Wonder why Buell's Didn't sell.
Because Harley didn't advertise them correctly thats why NOBODY knows what they are..
I gotten Nice bike who makes it.is that Italian or a Duc

Not to mention one of the old guys that runs the bike night i frequent called me a want to be one night.(He Rides a fen Honda) My response. I bet mine is more american than your Honda and most the other bikes here since it is Built in troy Wisconsin and every piece was engineered here .
Why when i did my Frame Decals with Buell in it.
I may look like a rolling billboard and still get how makes that But i don't get accused of riding a Duc. or worse a rice bike
I get the what size is your bike 500 or something? a lot, usually from 600 riders. I just reply no. Its a 1200 one of my cyl is big as your engine.
They other day a guy leaving Walmart asks what kind of bike is that? I say Buell! He asks, is that made in Europe? No, Milwaukee (Didn't think he'd know where Troy was)I reply. Oh, I thought it sounded like a Harley (Hawk pipe). He smiles and walks away.

I get the Ducati reference a lot too, although I really can't see why.
Personally I love the attention, good and bad. I really never got a second look on my Honda CBR.

I am very suprised how many "Harley Fanboys" don't know what a buell is considering they spend every waking breath inside the dealerships mechandise shop.
Wonder why Buell's Didn't sell.
Because Harley didn't advertise them correctly thats why NOBODY knows what they are..
I gotten Nice bike who makes it.is that Italian or a Duc

And to think the idiots bought MV Agusta too.
I get the Duc comment alot as well, but to be honest i don't mind it. I would rather people mistake my bike for a Duc than a squidworth Gixxer or CBR. Ducs are in some ways very similar to Buells, they are made with race intentions, some what rare, and in my opinion wonderfully engineered, attractive bikes.
I ride an 09 XB12R and feel so left out. The Harley riders tell me to get a real bike. The sportbike riders snub me cause I ride a Harley. Where is the love! [confused] In my area I have only seen one Buell, a lighting, rolling around. I was working and stopped him at the gas station to ask him questions about it. Ended up going to buy my own bike. The most fun bike I have ever owned!
Most harley riders I run into know what I'm riding.Last time one got off his bike next to my 12R and yelled 'bitchin!' he loved it ,wich amazed me.
People can't beleive there's a 1203 in my girls scg either!
Weather people recognize these bikes or not-they always catch alot of attention.
Lawdog-props to you for being an individual in your area-and riding a REAL bike! ;)
I was at a dealership and a guy asks, "is that GPR for stunting?" and "Why didn't you get a crotch rocket?" I simply said, "What the **** are you talking about?" then stared at him and then continued talking about the body work. Ignorance....pure ingorance.
I haven't gotten any confusion yet, but there are 2 other Buell guys in our club, and it's a college town so the young folks tend to know their bikes a bit more. Most people have heard of them but haven't really seen one up close.

Last weekend in my hometown I dropped by an old friend's house, who happens to room with another friend of mine. When the other buddy got home after dark he said to me "when I saw it at first I wanted to know who thought it was ok to park a damn rice rocket in my driveway, but then I realized that it was a Buell! you can park that here anytime."
Lol, I need some "Here's your sign" cards for that damn "who makes it?" question. That or the right to dummy slap people. I had an idea for a bitch slap card, every one in america get's one providing they pass the "I'm not a ******* idiot exam". It will allow you 3 bitch slaps a year, you deliver the blow, the recipient initials off for which ever slap that may of been and you go about your day.
I get the
"What kind of bike is that, is that a Ducati?"
all the time.
One guy had heard of a Buell but never seen one. His comment was "I bet that was expensive, I don't ever see those around."
All I could think was not much more than your CBR 600, but what I said was not as bad as you would think.
I love bike nights cause very few people can figure what I ride. Sure it doesnt look MUCH like an 1125R anymore but you can still tell it is. BUELL FTW!!!!!

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