Exhaust recommendation for UK '04 XB12R

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Nov 20, 2011
Hey folks. Long time lurker first time poster :)

As the title suggests, I have an 04 XB12R with a stock exhaust. Its looking pretty manky now, and to be honest is a little loud for my liking! (I live in a quiet little village)

So, with the following criteria, could I have some suggestions, and if possible some supplier links too?

Sensible price, up to £500 maybe?
Fits XB12R UK model, on existing downpipes.
Quieter than the stock exhaust, ie sensible levels.
Long life/easy to install.

Many thanks in advance chaps (and chapesses).

Thanks fakameanrepresent. Any idea where I could get one and how much it would cost? Cheers.
Honestly I don't think that such thing like exhaust that is more quiet than stock exist...
Magic: really? I wear earplugs and my stock exhaust is LOUD. So much so my head is ringing by the time I get to work. Maybe there's a problem with my can.

OK, drop the quiet requirement. Anyone suggest a decent priced unit that attaches to the existing downpipe of an '04 UK XB12R? I also need to know if the ECU needs changing somehow due to the cable not being required.
If you want quiet, stock is your best. All others are considered "race" exhausts and will be louder. Some may land you an interview with the local constable.
Check out the exhaust shoot-out report on AmericanSportBike.com . Note that a 10db increase is a DOUBLING of volume/loudness so a 3 db difference is a bit deal. In the report tables, the loudness is expressed at WOT (wide open throttle). Look for notes on volume at lower RPM running as this is where you will likely be operating.
You likely will end up buying a used stock as it will most likely be the quietest of all. Have fun!
So much so my head is ringing by the time I get to work.

Either you're not wearing the earplugs correctly or the pipe you have is NOT stock. The pipes I make are on the loud side (and on the higher side of the performance curve) so I wear earplugs all the time and my ears NEVER ring from it. If I go without, then 10-15 minutes is enough to make them ring.
Thanks for the feedback CowboyKS. I spent a while reading the reviews, I like the Latus but thats no longer an option, so its between the D&D and Jardine. Jardine seems too loud though, and I see a few people are unhappy with their D&D's (loss of power and waaaay too loud).

Hi d_adams. I have a feeling its not stock. It IS however stock on the outside, and had a sleeve inside the chrome bit which I had removed as it was falling out. I was told by the garage this was an aftermarket addon anyway to try and silence the exhaust.

I found this exhaust on ebay. Anyone come across Danmoto GP Carbon exhausts before? Good or crap?

What needs to be done with the cable going to the exhaust when I change to an aftermarket? This is becoming a bit of a minefield...

Edit: liking the look of the Jardine RT1 Carbon ;)
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If you are upset with the noise that come from the Jardine and the D&D just stick with the stock. Honestly thats as quiet as it gets. I have both the Jardine and the D&D and I will accidentally set off car alarms just so you can get an idea of the noise we are talking about.

If you have sensitive ears maybe you should ride a moped. :D
2004xb12s: I wouldn't say I'm 'upset' about the noise, I personally love it (its great for turning heads!) I am concerned about annoying the villagers tho ;)

As d_adams says, I don't think it really is stock, I think someone fudged around with it and I will be pleasantly surprised with a quiet upgrade :D

Moped pssht :p I can't ride a moped at 40+ lol, this is my mid-life crisis, I need to enjoy myself a little!
Not too loud, but not stock either.


It's probably louder than what you want, I normally build stuff to make power.
I make are on the loud side (and on the higher side of the performance curve) so I wear earplugs all the time and my ears NEVER ring from it.

Hah. You make me laugh, Dean.
The "loud" stock exhaust you might be hearing could actually be the intake noise. With a K&N they are loud.

I know with the stock 12 pipe it sounds pretty nice and throaty when the valve starts to open up, but the intake noise is still there...

I always wear ear plugs on the bike, there's so much noise when you're on a bike from the bike itself, traffic, wind, it all adds up. My ears are good as new after a day long ride, and they will be for many years to come.
Mm thats a nice bike you have there d_adams. Very stealthy :) Mines more stock gold/black with carbon, I'm going full carbon eventually.

JOEL9, yeh I'm in the UK, so I'll check that out cheers :)

rocker: yeh I forgot to say I have a K&N fitted, so that explains a lot. The sound is AWESOME. I sometimes get a bit of stutter though, maybe thats just when its cold. I wear plugs as I already have quite bad tinnitus so I'm trying to keep my hearing intact ;)
If you want an exhaust that is reasonably quiet then you need to go for a European made pipe with EU homologation/approval.
Most of the US made pipes are extremely loud by comparison and wouldn't get close to meeting UK noise regs (or even be allowed on most UK track days).

A lot of the previously available decent exhausts for the Buell range have unfortunately now been discontinued, so your choices are getting thinner unfortunately.

For a good quality quiet exhaust then I would recommend the Remus muffler http://www.trojan-horse.co.uk/prods/86.html

This is slightly more expensive than you wanted, but is stainless steel, has a 2 year warranty, fits with the stock chin spoiler and importantly is EU approved and noise legal in the UK :)
Thanks for this feedback adrenalinmoto, just what I was after. I'm always worried that I'll get pulled over for the racket my bike makes, even though its supposed to be "stock" :)

I'm happy to pay £555 for a decent long-life exhaust. Shame its not in carbon finish though :D

I'll give this pipe some serious consideration.
Even the ones with carbon shielding over steel?

Luckily the Remus is available in Satin Black :)
The problem with carbon fibre exhausts is that the material gets brittle both with age and heat, which doesn't really make it the most suitable material for exhausts. If you put a carbon sleeve over steel then you are really just wasting material and adding weight. Also most carbon cans are rivetted construction, and these tend to destroy themselves too on Buell fitments and need constant repacking and re-rivetting.

I've seen quite a few cheaper 'Buell' fitment cans that are actually just a generic can with a Buell link pipe. Most of these are not designed to take the punishment that the unique nature and location of Buell exhuasts have to face.

The Remus cans are all welded construction so no need to repack or re-rivet :)

On the 2002-2007 Remus cans they are only available in polished or satin silver colour I'm afraid. Black is only an option on 2008 on UK/European models.

To be honest the best to live with and clean is the polished version. You can clean with a scotchbrite pad if it gets really dirty, whereas satin silver or black will scratch if you try to clean it like that :)