F You Winter, I am ready!

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2011
I am tired of freezing my butt off while riding so the wife and I took a trip down to Nashville to visit the local Cyclegear store and I picked up some Freeze out gear and a Sedici top and bottom


nice!!! now i guess since nothing is holding you back i should get myself some new tires so we can ride again!
Ian get you some hoops! I just threw some on mine before this last trip

Ill do it! I don't give a F*uck! That looks so freakn mean!
Jakester.. hey, the suit looks sporty and warm! better get some heated socks or your feet are gonna' freeze-up tho..

Another option are those chemical hand warmer packets.. I slip one inside my boot, on top of each foot in the toebox, works great!
Way to go! I received my Fist Gear insulated one piece this past Wednesday. Kept me pretty warm at 45 degrees. I hav'nt missed an off day riding yet this winter wearing heavy coveralls but this suit is much better and lighter. I will say yours looks neater.
yeap, see there your whole problem is that you don't live in SoCal:D:D:D
today was 70 degrees out slight over cast, no rain...during this past week we had a few days in the mid 80's sunny and warm

I will be sure to let you guys know how it goes!

today was 70 degrees out slight over cast, no rain...during this past week we had a few days in the mid 80's sunny and warm

So freaking jealous!
if it makes you feel better, we're suppose to get rain for the next two days:D:D:D

can't ride anyway, my entire rear end is in pieces to get the center tail section and seat rails powder coated
Here in the frozen sphinxter of the universe its zero degrees. Thankfully satan has not allowed it to snow.
We are moving somewhere south or southwest in a year or so, can't wait.

Have fun in the 70's.

A big FU to old man winter from Maine! All I can do is read about the lucky ones on here that are still riding. Winter is even sucking here, what winter were having we can't do much. No snow or much ice on the ponds to go fishing or sleding. Safe ridin to those that are lucky enough to ride. I was lucky enough last week to take my sisters BF's Road king for a little winter ride, but it sure wasn't the Buell. Oh it's 3 deg here today! -Arthur-
Went out the bike the other night. The weather was in the 20's. Everything was awesome except me hands. I need to find some winter gloves? Or maybe throw some guards on my bars?
So I returned that Sedici gear. thank you cycle gear you are awesome. I only wore it a few times and 2 zippers already broke. WTF?!

Oh well I PCS soon and will be in school for a bit so I guess I will just wait for next winter...
That sucks man. I thought sedici made a better product than that. Good thing cycle gear did the right thing. [up]