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I will probably order a set for myself...and maybe for my friend just so we can have more bikes with them just to spite everyone who hates them. I do the same with vegetarians...for every animal they dont eat, I will eat three.
why are you always cracking on people with the matter decals?  I personaly like them a lot and have a set sitting at my house waiting on me to put on my bike that matter Gave me which was so very cool of him.

Why are you blabbing about **** no one cares about?
I could be an A** hole right now and say something stupid right now or I could just say that once finished I think your bike would be my candidate for this section.
I loved the buell cut out when I first saw it on gatorbuell's bike, then on nitto's. I just got done cutting mine out.

When it comes to bikes its all nitto, gator, typeone, ericz havesome really sleek bikes that would get my vote.

But if you add in a photography twist to it I know we all love it when we see xtreme has a new pic
wait what? sorry im lost. my comment about samiams frame sticker was the factory sticker by the head, not the pegasus sticker. I already said what i think about pegasus decals im not a fan. big deal who cares what I think its just a decal. I like looking at your guys' bikes. I'll raz someone for fun once in awhile about an odd colored oil filter or something. but I dont believe anyone has taken offense at any of my statements, if so sorry. I would post a pic of my bike but it still looks like the other 282,473 pics of near stock buells on this site. When Im done I'll ask if you still want to see a pic dave.
this is what's on the bike now, call the stickers what you want.
Might sound like a broken record if I said Xtremelow's bike. I would have to say either Typeone's lightning (I actually somewhat model my modifications on his) or GatorBuell's.
I think I got it back in 04 and I don't think many were made. It's a Ilemberger carbon fiber undertail with an led brake light. I'll post up some better pics.

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