what I have noticed over the last decade or so is that incidents of people getting hurt, killed while in police custody has increased along with incidents such as this being caught on vid, over the last few weeks there have been a couple of these caught on vid in Denver...
A few years ago in Vancouver International Airport a dude from Poland was lost, confused and agitated, the cops showed up and within 30 seconds tased him multiple times and he died..
The Victoria BC police caught on vid smashing a guy just for being mouthy..
In the UK you CAN NOT VIDEOTAPE THE POLICE WHILE THEY ARE 'WORKING' its right up there with taking pics or vids of 'certain buildings or points of interest' cause if your videotaping buildings or the cops you must be a terrorist..(according to the MIAC report released in Feb 09, many of us would be considered domestic terrorists)
The UK is also the most survailed country with over 4 million CCTV's watching the population, aboot 1 cam for every 14 Brits!(the average times you are on cam is around 300x in a day..wonderful thought of being able to be tracked from the moment you leave your house to where you and what you do during your day!)
Big Brother is watching, the police state we call North America is rapidly changing and the population is being aclimated to seeing officers geared up in full riot gear, special tactical weapons and equipment is becoming the norm(who in the hell needs a LRAD, maybe to keep 'insurgent' Iraqi's away from the greed zone or those Al Qaeda terra-ists!)
the military working with local cops to do 'spotchecks/roadblocks' (posse comitatus anyone?)
the times, they are a changing...
end of rant