Fellow Bueller in a lawsuit!

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to me looks like the guy tried to snatch away from the officer. So then pushing him into the wall to regain control seems reasonable. After that, not so sure.

Also, as stated the video is obviously edited. This guy may have already had altercations since arriving at the jail. I mean he had a 5 man escort, telling me he may have already been causing some sort of problems.
I'd rather some dumb f@©k get the sh@t knock out of them every time. I don't like those guys on the road with me, and I read you all bitching about people almost hitting us on bikes. If hes going to this do a cop surrounded by cops what would he do to a lone biker in his car? He was arrested because he was driving drunk.

Sure, we would like to see that happen to drunk drivers and anyone else that causes harm to others out of negligence for that matter, but the fact is that there are laws that prohibit one from doing that (assault). Just as there are laws against driving drunk. The officer should have been alot smarter than that.
Hmm. To me it looks like the fir shove the wall was justified. The guy was trying to pull away. The second toss to the face plant I can't really tell. It could have been the guy trying to push away from the wall or it could have been the officer pulling back on his neck.
From what I saw, the "drunk" made the first movement, when he turned quickly. nad the cop responded as I hope he would by pushing him into the wall. I couldn't see if there was any other resistance after that and the tape doesn't really show it clearly. BUT if the guy did continue to fight, or struggle, then I would have to say I would have done the same thing. If he didn't fight or struggle, then the cop is wrong.

Unless you were in the situation, then I don't think anyone here can say what was really going on.
Cop was in the wrong. But do I think anything will happen? No. proceed to slap-on-the-wrist. Another fine example of how LEO's are above the law.
Cops are people, I'm kin to 'em myself. Events like Topic will occur in any police/military bureaucracy. [down]
Video's affecting our civil rights in a positive way as it documents law enforcement processes and activity in public spaces.
That pig has his comming. i respect cops who do there jobs, no excuse for excesive forse on a handcuffed mon. He was found guilty get over it. Guilty!!!! Guilty!!!!! Guilty!!! By his own boss. If you respect cops Twisted then you would respect his boss, and you are sitting here fighting against 90 percent of your fellew buellers, and he was found Guilty. There was no editing between the time he did nothing and when he was on the floor. I did not see him do a round house ninja move while in hand cuffs. he probly told the cop to **** off. Im sure half of your family has drove drunk more then once. I would like to see that cop face plant your MOM for doing the same thing and then see what you have to say. That would be funny! Your one of those hall monitors. you have with a bunch of cops and most of us dont so we live in a diff world then you. You get protected when you do wrong and we dont. You are a snitch to. i have seen peole like you hanging out with off duty cops and sucking up tp them like your one to. Bending over for them and taking it up the ass like a man, or bitch. You fail to see the world where there are crooked cops and abuse and in a lot of ways your just as bad as a bad cop cuz you support them. He was found Guilty!! By A smarter cop, his boss. You got a lot of learning to do. Just wait one day you wont be in your own town and your brown nosing wont be enough and you will feel some cop abuse. Its just a matter of time.
I dont agree with getting your ass kicked in cuffs. There were plenty of cops there to get him into the cell without splitting his head open then laying on him with the 'ol "knee in the back" trick. I hate that most cops are uneducated.
i brought up the mom thing and now its going to far, if you look back to my first post I said this guy was someones dad, brother, sister, ect. When i throw his mom in the mix then its clear how serious it is. My point has been made. This was not just some drunk guy. There have been cases where people are on meds, or diabetic, or disabled, dehidrated and spaced out, the list goes on. The guy had not gone to court and he was being treated like he is less then human. People go to jail for doing less to a dog. I hate stupidity like this and thats why its so importint to deal with this situation. Im done! [mad] Be ready to except everyone elses opinions if your going to ask.

On a lighter note. I Love MY Buell.:D
Im sure half of your family has drove drunk more then once.

half my family doesn't even drink

I think we can all agree that drunk drivers are scum, skip two drinks and use the money for a cab ride home.

unfortunately we cannot all agree that the cop was in the wrong.
the officer was wrong even his superiors agree on that.as far as being a pig we dont know his history.he may be a good officer who just had a bad day and made a mistake.just like the suspected drunk driver.both could have killed someone.and hopefully both have learned a lesson.im not going to say everyone but those of us that do drink most at one time or another have probably driven drunk at least once weather we knew it or not.
what I have noticed over the last decade or so is that incidents of people getting hurt, killed while in police custody has increased along with incidents such as this being caught on vid, over the last few weeks there have been a couple of these caught on vid in Denver...
A few years ago in Vancouver International Airport a dude from Poland was lost, confused and agitated, the cops showed up and within 30 seconds tased him multiple times and he died..
The Victoria BC police caught on vid smashing a guy just for being mouthy..

In the UK you CAN NOT VIDEOTAPE THE POLICE WHILE THEY ARE 'WORKING' its right up there with taking pics or vids of 'certain buildings or points of interest' cause if your videotaping buildings or the cops you must be a terrorist..(according to the MIAC report released in Feb 09, many of us would be considered domestic terrorists)

The UK is also the most survailed country with over 4 million CCTV's watching the population, aboot 1 cam for every 14 Brits!(the average times you are on cam is around 300x in a day..wonderful thought of being able to be tracked from the moment you leave your house to where you and what you do during your day!)

Big Brother is watching, the police state we call North America is rapidly changing and the population is being aclimated to seeing officers geared up in full riot gear, special tactical weapons and equipment is becoming the norm(who in the hell needs a LRAD, maybe to keep 'insurgent' Iraqi's away from the greed zone or those Al Qaeda terra-ists!)
the military working with local cops to do 'spotchecks/roadblocks' (posse comitatus anyone?)

the times, they are a changing...

end of rant
you need a beer!
I don't drink!!

But a fine handrolled left handed cigarette of organically grown BC bud does find its way to me every now and then..lol

and a peaceful revolution in which we stop using credit cards and debit machines would really throw a monkey wrench into the elitist bankers plans..Muhahaha

and anyone who is my friend on FaceBook can see my constant flow of info pertaining to the ways things are changing..
knowledge is power and once 'we the people' figure out that we do indeed have the power to change the way things are then you'll see a revolution..

My comment on the video is that it was obviously edited to show the head slam over and over, what's to say the video wasn't edited even more to make the blow/body slam look faster than it actually was?

I'm not taking sides on this one, clearly the video makes the sittuation look bad, but who knows what really went down.
That cops one bad day could have killed someone just as easy as the guy who drove drunk. Like I said the guy alegidly drove drunk. Thats what court is for dumb ass. Im just trying to educate stupid people. Its not there fault the are so stupid its their parents. They still cant get the fact the cops boss said he was guilty. The top cop! The smartest cop, The wisest cop. Not the stupid cop. You are agreeing with the newest cop not the highest paid one thats opinion really matters. We need to do this more often. Its fun. I dont even really give a **** im just bored. Its the beers fault. Ha!