you need to study more
Why dont you educate me and tell me where you heard that?
you need to study more
oh and dogwoodplaced on 6 months probation
he is nothing but a turn key with a badge and a small mans complex. blove is not one of our proud men serving in the military defending our county he's processing the revolving door of illegal aliens that have crossed the texas, mexico boarder.Thank you for risking your life for us blove
hey wallsxb i hope that was not directed towards me..
So does that mean if a black man commits a crime and his innocent friends say's nothing, that all blacks images are tarnished and all of them are bad people ? Think bad apple spoils the bunch. all the would be "good ones" tarnish there image by covering for the bad ones
woo,woo pump your brake no one said anything about race. i see this train has flown off the tracks!!!
squid out
he is nothing but a turn key with a badge and a small mans complex. blove is not one of our proud men serving in the military defending our county he's processing the revolving door of illegal aliens that have crossed the texas, mexico boarder.
squid out.opinion are like ******** everyone's got one
imo going by the video and the article this cop was in the wrong and should have been punished in court like any one that made a mistake and commited a crime just like the drunk he slammed there should be no double standard.
well atleast here no one will get banned for speaking there mind (fake cough) badweb.... haha
No, they just loose their rep points !!!!!
Blove are you strictly a corrections officer or are you a police officer who works both? Just curious.