Filling up

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This is what i do to all my motorcycles, but just once on purpose. It is the only way to find out for sure. For those of us that get out on the back roads and go on advertures, this is valuable info to have. If your never farther than a mile from any gas station im sure its not that important to you.

Doing it once will not hurt anything. Doing it all the time can be bad for the pump but thats all.
Once is enough to burn up a fuel pump but yeah whatever. Heck they are only several hundred dollars.

carry on.
Fuel pump will not burn up after only one time running out of gas, sorry to say. If it is then I must have a mirical of engineering mounted in my frame.

With over 35000 miles on it and multiple times running out of gas, all but one by accedent, probly a few thousand times running it to the edge of its limits, just before it runs out. I should pull mine out and send it to the scientists so they can study it and find out how to build them better.

This sounds kind of dick-ish i know, and am sorry for that but I hate when fiction and ole-wives tails are passed as fact!

Sorry again to all for the butt hole ish responce
While I agree running it down to E 1 time won't destroy the pump, continually running it like that will. There are two reasons why: The pump is lubricated by the fuel, and the pump is cooled by the fuel(this is the main reason). This is even more important in our buell's where there's only a few gallons(vs a car or truck where there's 10-30 gallons, which = more cooling) and also where the buell's run hotter(up to ~450 deg F vs a car or truck at ~200 deg F). The more fuel you have the longer the pump will last, that is a fact.
Yes I understand this, I can also agree its not the best thing to do, yadda yadda yadda. Its when things are passed off as fact that i get all bunched in the panties and what not... im sorry all.

I still respectively disagree...
Once we get past the ADHD, the answer is yes.

The tank is about 3.7, reserve comes on about .7. You drive a bit and put in about 3.

The difference between these numbers is the difference between engineer spec and real life.

Variables would be things like when exactly your particular sensor measures the reserve point and how much gas you put in.

For example, there a long sweeper near here, my fuel light will come on through it and go off in the following straight. It will come on for real about 15 miles past there.

Another example, some people try and fill right up to the neck (why?) and others stop when they can see fuel a bit below the neck.
My low fuel light came one the other day and I was no where near a gas station. Made it to the station and ODO said I had driven 8.5 miles with the light on. I'm sure it would have kept going for quite a ways longer than that.
I've made it over 60 miles after my reserve light kicked on. Was sweating bullets, but I was in the middle of nowhere.
First I replied:
That IS one of the worst things you can do to a fuel injected system. Not my opinion but fact.

Then I said:
Once IS enough to burn up a fuel pump but yeah whatever. Heck they are only several hundred dollars. carry on.
SO yeah read it however you want. But I didn't say it would burn it up. I said once WAS enough. I stand by that.
can't decide what's better - posting and looking at pictures of lifted rigs or reading the back and forth about running out of gas HAHAHA !!!
can't decide what's better - posting and looking at pictures of lifted rigs or reading the back and forth about running out of gas HAHAHA !!!

Mine's lowered, not lifted :)
my reserve light kicked on. Was sweating bullets, but I was in the middle of nowhere.

been there and done that, since I live in the middle of nowhere I fill up whenever possible, (still looking for a 1 litre gas worthy container to carry in my Ogio)

nice pick'em up trucks boys!
