Looking back, I haven't made many mods to this bike in over a year. I've changed my plastics again back to carbon fiber, except I blacked out the carbon fiber. I used taillight tint to black out the carbon. You can't really tell it's carbon fiber unless it's in the sun. Anyway, I have the M-Lock still mounted in the same place under the air box. Since it's hidden there, I had trouble finding it. So found a Kick Ash air box cover in rough condition I had laying around. Previously, I had used it to judge clearances when I placed all of the electronics under the air box.
I installed it and at least now I could see the M-Lock. But it seemed the air box cover didn't match the bike. Not to mention it had several scratches and scrapes. So I used the same tail light tint to paint it and masked off for a stripe down the center. I also masked off a windowed area where the knees go. That turned out ok. But then it drove me crazy the fly screen on my CR headlight didn't match the air box.
That brings me to today's project. As we all know you cant buy a kick ash fly screen. So, I did the next best thing. I bought a Kick Ash 1125R windscreen. I've begun the process of integrating the 2 together. Here's a picture of the rough fit.