Paniller; I was told by someone that we have a short band o2 sensor and that is the range it falls in14.7-14.2 or something like that. Any way I have the same ECM and have not been able to find a map for that particular firmware so i have hooked up with ecmspy and looked over the graphs and such but i am nervous about changing something with out something to go by.where did you get the 07 race map to compare with would you consider sharing the map that you have come up with?
Sorry for the late reply, I didn't notice this post.
I had emailed my race file that I created, and it looks like it was added to our compilation ( You can download it there, let me know if you need help.
I just lined up whatever columns from the earlier race ECM that I could with my larger 08 tables. Then, I filled in missing columns/rows by averaging the surrounding cells. I did this for timing, fueling, and commanded A/F ratios. I'm not sure if ECMSpy burnt in the A/F ratio tables though, I didn't see an explicit option for it. I also smoothed out and downplayed any extreme changes from stock. So, the tables are like 90% race.
I'm not sure if the A/F tables took, but I'm pretty sure the fueling and timing tables wrote correctly through ECMSpy. It feels much stronger and smoother, especially down low. It could be placebo effect, but I doubt it, especially considering reading the table back shows the new values. It runs amazing on my 08 with BUEOD, with K&N and breather. I'll update once my new Hawk muffler arrives. It may not be perfect, but it's a great canned tune start.
Try that table from the link, using ecmspy for the BUEOD. Read your eeprom, save the map. Read the race/custom I made, save the map. Compare the two maps and merge(I recommend a program called beyondcompare, it's free). Then load your eeprom, load that map, and burn.