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There's been a yellow 9r running up and down Honeycutt today. The wife's been eyeing it. :D
I havent seen any buells since Ive been back, except mine... in pieces... luring me in... so sad =( I need a moment...
Yeah - I normally just ride directly from my house to work and back, which only includes a short little section on Longstreet - other than that it's all back roads.
Nope, on-post off of Honeycutt. (back roads being housing area and 2nd BCT). I've got a whopping 2.1 miles to work - needless to say I don't think I ever get any good heat into the tires.
Oh haha nice... you need to get out and about lol.. theres some nice roads out west of the bragg range near vass and southern pines.
There's a small ride going on tomorrow at Hotrodz - starts at 10am - I'll be there around 930. We'll see which crowd I fit in better - the old Harley guys or the japs :D
Saw a black 12s today with the dual headlight mod. He had just turned onto Canopy off of Gruber - I was in my Black BMW M3.
There's also a red 12s for sale on the Pope lot - he's asking $7000 - didn't see the mileage as I just did a quick stopper this morning.
Yeah I saw the one over at the lemon lot.. seems a bit high. You been out riding lately? We need to get the nc folks together or at least bragg area and go for a ride.
I just take the bike to work as normal. Had the CLS course this week so instead of the 2.2mi ride, I had like 4.5 :D

And of course since I could show up in uniform I took the bike to PT as well.
Hey TACP if you push that ride up towards the Sanford area I'd be down. My XB is dismantled but I have my 1125 to ride and should be able to do a ride if you set one up.
Resurrecting a dinosaur here, I know. Anybody in the Fayetteville area on here anymore? I'd love to do at least a meet and great. I'm not down with any of the local gangs.. *cough*.... clubs I mean, that's not my bag. Just looking for other Buellers to meet up and see what happens.
Yeah, I saw a lightning the other day and I saw TACPBuell riding around as well. There's a red lightning for sale locally, but do not know the owner.
Cool. I see a Buell every once in a while, I ride mine all the time. I easily prefer it over my car. I'll pm you my number and if you know other people maybe we could all get together for a drink or something. I'm basically just looking for motorcycle buddies.
You can always go to the Burger King meets :p well...if you're into the stretched two feet, fat back tire, short sleeve and **** kind of thing.
Haha yeah with chicken strips two inches wide! No, I'm quite fond of my stock length, absence of chrome and LED's (in excess), and I wear my jacket all the time, no matter what.
If you ever heard up towards the Raleigh area let me know. We are going to have to try and meet up for Bikefest in Oct. TACP and I never got a chance to get together last year.