Buellxb Forum

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Yeah, sure thing. I don't know anything about Bikefest, keep us updated!
Sorry I know I'm not a Bragger but just seeing the name Bragg makes me miss Lejeune. [sad] And yes in the Jacksonville area we had the McDonald club. I didn't ride with them either. Not my style to sit in a parking lot all day and stare at my bike and have the same old conversation about if I were riding my bike I could out run you. But I'm back in GA now Disabled Vet medically retired thank god I can still ride.
Just bought a 2010 XT. Work at Bragg, live in Hope Mills. Keep posting riding plans. Maybe we can get a group together soon.
Welcome. I live off of Cliffdale. I would totally be down to do a meet and greet and/or ride or whatever. What's your riding experience?