Of course I don't mind, by all means share them with whoever, no point in them starting from scratch or coming up with something not as safe if they aren't as mechanically minded as you. I'll email you PDFs of the drawings so you can print them out.
I am going to put a steering damper on, LED turn signals, an XBlights taillight, new dash (my dash is in mph and speed limits are in kph), rear brake delete (hidden), billet bar end mirrors, SS oil filter, LSL footpegs (gold), billet brake & shift levers. I have already removed the passeger pegs & supports and will be removing the belt guards.
I am planning on a hydraulic clutch kit, either coated micron or free spirit headers (I know of a guy with a set of coated microns, which he doesn't want to sell but I can hope). I am also thinking of a quieter muffler. I have a Hawk, which sounds really nice at an idle or low speed, but makes my ears ring after an hour of riding, even with earplugs. I have mild tinitus as it is from years of being on a steel fabrication shop floor. I am thinking an HID low beam and of a big bore kit as well, NRHS had them on sale for $600. But I figure I'll ride for a year or so before I put the big bore kit in, by then the motor will need to be freshened anyway so it would be a good time to do it, I have 18,000 miles on the bike and I figure I'd better get a new belt soon, just in case. There are a couple of other goodies I am thinking of, but haven't decided on yet, like progressive springs on the front. So many goodies, limited funds
I'd go with the big bore kit if I were you, but not the max one which requires boring the case. I'd also get stage 1 or 2 head work done at the same time. It would be awesome.