Frankenstein Buell V1.2

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GTP3800 if you want I have 2 bent bars you can have! Give your bike a nice beach cruiser look!

haha thanks but its alright I already bought them from asb, they are shipping out tomorrow. So im hoping to have them in this week. I dont know how much longer the weather is going to wait for me.

That bike has come along way!!
yea layers and heated gear! as long as there is no salt on the road the cold wont stop me :D
You're right jake, it would look clean and probably worth it even if it did require a machine shop. Can you send me close up pics of the shock bracket when you send me the dims?

Yes, sorry I meant the raise with the shock bracket. I think the tail looks good, perhaps a little higher than I am used to seeing, but I can see how it would be comfortable. Your bike sure has come a long way, and a lot of work too! I'll look into the Woodcraft rearsets, I am starting to search for a set I like and yours look good.

I've got some parts to put on my bike, now that the snow and salt are here I should have some time as I think my riding is over till April, seems like a long way off :)
I will absolutely send you close ups of everything as well as full dimensions. Would you mind after all is said and done if I allowed others to use your CAD dimensions to prevent other guys from starting from scratch?

I HATED the woodcrafts at first. But I bought it used and it was missing parts and the guy used gorilla glue instead of locktight. Once I broke the parts free and got the missing parts I really like them Not a ton of movement but enough for me. I also had to cut my rear brake rod to adjust the brake where it needed to be. But it is good to go now!

I am pretty bummed that my riding season is over. I am thinking of getting a storage unit because my bike is in a friends garage seeing as I dont have one.. Hopefully I'll move to a warmer climate next year!!!

What are you planning to do with yours? I am thinking I may save up for a big bore kit and get a few more ponies outta her!
Of course I don't mind, by all means share them with whoever, no point in them starting from scratch or coming up with something not as safe if they aren't as mechanically minded as you. I'll email you PDFs of the drawings so you can print them out.

I am going to put a steering damper on, LED turn signals, an XBlights taillight, new dash (my dash is in mph and speed limits are in kph), rear brake delete (hidden), billet bar end mirrors, SS oil filter, LSL footpegs (gold), billet brake & shift levers. I have already removed the passeger pegs & supports and will be removing the belt guards.

I am planning on a hydraulic clutch kit, either coated micron or free spirit headers (I know of a guy with a set of coated microns, which he doesn't want to sell but I can hope). I am also thinking of a quieter muffler. I have a Hawk, which sounds really nice at an idle or low speed, but makes my ears ring after an hour of riding, even with earplugs. I have mild tinitus as it is from years of being on a steel fabrication shop floor. I am thinking an HID low beam and of a big bore kit as well, NRHS had them on sale for $600. But I figure I'll ride for a year or so before I put the big bore kit in, by then the motor will need to be freshened anyway so it would be a good time to do it, I have 18,000 miles on the bike and I figure I'd better get a new belt soon, just in case. There are a couple of other goodies I am thinking of, but haven't decided on yet, like progressive springs on the front. So many goodies, limited funds :)

I'd go with the big bore kit if I were you, but not the max one which requires boring the case. I'd also get stage 1 or 2 head work done at the same time. It would be awesome.
You certainly do have some plans!
I have the GPR damper. I got off the interstate with it set on 20 (the hardest level) I forgot to turn it down when I was on the off ramp. Making that turn was embarrassing. I'll tell you what, I have never had tank knock and Youtube videos tells me I don't want it!
XBlights is SWEET!!!! I LOVE MINE it is so bright!

Where do you live where you drive in km/h? I recently sold a micron set up for a real pretty penny. I have a straight pipe on mine. But it doesn't bother my ears at all. I think it is because I am losing m hearing already.. Damn helicopters.
I am looking at the biggest kit that does NOT require the case boring. If I do it I am going to get all kinds of head work and the best cams.

I am with you brother my mind is limitless my funds are NOT!!!
I just got the GPR damper, though I haven't installed it yet. You are definitely right about tank slappers, very bad news. I came very close to one one my old BMW years ago when I came over a crest of a hill at 80 mph to find they had torn u the road and were putting deep gravel down before resurfacing. Man you should of seen the rooster tails of gravel my bike threw left and right! I was lucky that it was a slow though extreme wobble and I was able to control it and cranked the throttle as soon as I got clear 'cause there were a lot of guys waving fists and shovels at me LOL Their fault, they hadn't put up any road work warning signs and didn't have any flag men out. I did have quite an adrenaline buzz though for a bit :)

I live in north eastern Ontario on the shore of Lake Superior near a place called Montreal River Harbour, you can find it with Google Maps. I'd love a set of microns, but will settle for the Free Spirits.

I gather you fly choppers? Are you in the military? I had a ride in an Alouette a few ago that was really loud, as there weren't any headphones for me to wear, so I definitely know what you mean.

NRHS has a really nice looking kit that is as big as you can go without boring the case, and they have a good rep and the price can't be beat at present. I wouldn't go, for street use, beyond a stage 2 head prep, put in a hotter cam and beef up the valve springs by all means, but keep the hydraulic lifters f you can as they are so convenient for street use. Plus the extra HP comes at the expense of low end torque & HP if you get to radical with your head preps. You can gain far more ponies by incrasing your rev limit, which is hard to do with these V-twins and that is where I think the more extreme head preps pay off. Also, JMO, but I would't go too extreme with the cams as you lose low end and driveability when you do, not a problem when racing but not quite as nice as you think on the street.

Got to sign off now, TTYL brother
I am in the military. Hoping I will be selected as an officer for flight. Right now I just fix em.
Anywho sorry for the delay I was out of town for a minute. Onelouge says he has a bracket already made up. I am hoping he will machine 2 so I can buy one off hime.
Hey, no worries Jake, I hope you had a good trip as well as an excellent Christmas and a happy New Year.

Best of luck on being selected to fly, I'm sure you'll do well and have a blast flying them.

Good to hear you have a line on a bracket from Onelogue, but if that doesn't work out my offer stll stands.

All the best
Got some new parts in the mail today!


But I'm in no hurry to see where you put the dildo on the left

I thought you guys were into that?! no?..
but seriously, you know it is the throttle tube to cut down on the twist to WOT, right?

I don't mind the orange filter color
It is now black!

You know you might want to eat those bananas very very soon or they will start bringing flys around, right?