i was wondering how it would look, i had ninjas before and plished the frames and everything else I could..if not I chromed it.I did not get me anymore $$$ when it came time to sell it and wasa pain to take care of so I just painted all my frame base/clear black and blacked everything out this time.
looks good, go all the way and have your plastic and wheels chromed..blind people in the sun and you know theres enough chrome.
When I posted this I knew I would get positive and negative comments, I just wanted some feed back on my bike whether it be good or bad, no offence taken... When I get home I'll post pix of the other bike I polished.
davey1977 what grips are those? i think they look awsome with orge levers... i have orange black 12R with an S tail and think it needs a touch more orange... think they would really bring some more out in the bike...
I plan on doing ALL carbon fiber next, and then I was going to have my rims chrome dipped instead of polish. These guys are saying that my bike has too many colors or that it has too much going on, But when im done all the gold will be gone and it will be just carbon fiber and chrome. Not really happy with the gold on the bike anyway, chrome and carbon fiber all the way.
This is still a work in progress, But I'm pretty much done with the hard work now I'm just saving money for the rest. Was gonna polish the lips but I think I want to do the whole rim so I'll proally go chrome, and I want to replace all the black plastic with carbonfiber. These guys are saying that "polished look = Cruiser style" Well... My buell is pretty much my cruiser... It sure isn't my go fast bike OR my stunt bike. All I do is kind cruise around on the Buell.
Here is a few pics of my stunt bike that I polished last year. let me know what ya think...
cool.... you really like to polish sh-t[confused] how the buell coming along after you chrome the rims are you going to polish the timing cover and the primery too?
Its a sporty/street fighter style bike, yours reminds me of old men that roll around in their riced out american vehicles with every possible accessory they can buy in the rice aisle at pep boys it just DOESN'T go with the vehicle imo.
IMO chrome/polished items dont belong on a Buell.
This message approved by oh9bolt all opinions expressed are his opinions and his thoughts don't get offended it is your bike.
Yes Squidbuellie I do like to polish stuff, because chrome is expensive and polishing only takes hard work... I spent hard earned money on everything that I ride and I want it to look as good as possible. Why would you not want to polish ANY bike? Its cheap to do and it looks awesome.
Shiny polished look = expensive looking
I dont care if you guys know it didnt cost much, All the girls love it and thats what maters to me.[cool] So you can hate on me if you want, But just imagine how youre gonna feel when I ride by with your girl on the back cuz SHE likes my shiny polished bike... LOL