Freshly polished XB12R

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You say "crotch rockets" like its a bad thing. Crotch rocket is just another term for a sportbike... And I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that my Buell is a sportbike. If you dont like crotch rocket/sport bikes why on earth did you buy a Buell and not a Sportster?

...Just sayin
i'm not hating..i like the firebolt all polished it reminds me of my vw days. sense it don't go.. go chrome.
But just imagine how youre gonna feel when I ride by with your girl on the back cuz SHE likes my shiny polished bike... LOL

happy oh man... don't temped me.
LOL... Sorry, I've never even heard of a "couch rocket" I just thought you misspelled crotch rockets.[confused]
With all the misspellings on this site, it's hard to tell when you just do a 1-letter change. I think I'm going to start using that "couch rocket" though hahaha...

Anyways, PoolguyJ, I think I am going to copy your wheel marker idea for my white. What exactly are you using to color the treads, and is it bad for the tire? I don't want to use some crap that erodes the tire or something.

Dammit, maybe it would look stupid on my bike. :( I can't tell.

Skyroket that's a cool pic, I think the tire paint would be sweet on your bike because its white. It also depends on what tires that you have some tread pattern's look pretty cool painted. Never seen any damage from painting tires I just use a paint marker from any art supply or craft store. They cost about $4 and one pen should do both tires at least twice. You don't have to be really neat while painting the treads because after you ride, it all comes off the tire and leaves just the inside tread colored. I usually do a few coats at first, and then you have to touch it up after every few rides.
Chrome just doesn't look right on a sport bike/crotch rocket.

Looks like a ricer bike.
Yeah, i definitely lean away from the chrome look. It only fits on Harleys in my opinion.
I dress myself in chrome every day. If it looks good on bumpers and trailer hitches, it'll look good on me.

So I get all midevil and had a set of chainmale (spelling?) dipped in chrome. I'm so handsome in it, but it weighs about 1,000 pounds and caves my chest in.