Front tire, wears in side more than center?????

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Well-known member
May 19, 2007
I noticed on my front tire there is a crown on it and it isn't the center that has worn down rather the sides. Is this normal, bad susp. setup, braking to hard into corners?????

Also the air pressure is fine so I know it isn't from being under inflated.

I thinks its the stock setup of the bike. Extreme rake and just the overall geometry.

My pilot powers do it too.

someone with more knowledge about suspension may be able to tell you if your rebound or compression are off.
adjust your setup for your weight and that will stop. if your doing agresive riding your pushing your front end.
Got yeah, I thought it might have something to do with pushing the front. I usually have the front setup soft for setting down the front after a wheelie, since I haven't mastered them yet.

I will adjust everything once my bike is put back together.

Thanks Brandon
Ummm...I'm just going to throw this out there...but, My guess would be that you're riding it the way Eric buell intended....In the corners. :D
Thats how ALL My front tires have worn for the last 15 years or so. soundslike you're doing it right.
i have ruined a front tire in one day riding a passenger. i have since set up my suspension to compensate for the extra weight and had no problems with uneven wear on the front. if your front end is pushing, it wears out REALLY FAST.
Well my GF got a bike this year so no more passanger, plus new tires. We wiki see what happens, oh adjusted the susp. too.