fuel pump o rings

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The tank is not pressurized, you could deform it if you try to pressurize it assuming you even could. The vent prevents that from happening.

When installing the pump did you draw it in evenly with all four screws? If you tighten one or two all the way it will go in crooked and that can damage the o-rings.

Are you positive its leaking around the o-rings? Could it be leaking out one of the connections?
Use the bolts to install it, you can use a cross pattern to draw it in evenly.

if you should install it this way. You should be able to push in by hand to get it to a point where you can use the bolts.
I got it apart in a few min this time. Broke the first o ring clean through. Second one was fine. When I got home today the leaking didn't stop, it was still leaking. When I pulled the fuel pump out the 2ndo ring had expanded like the originals if not more. I'm a little worried about this. I bout the last two o rings they had, I hip it doesn't leak anymore.
OK a quick reply would be great here.

I just lubed up the hole and the o rings with water proof grease. I was able to slide the pump in by hand with little resistance.

O rung size is 3 and 3/16 by 3/32 thick. Should I have been able to slide that in so easily?
I guess I can't edit my last post so I'll bump this one last time in case anyone ever needs the info.

I ordered a Delphi fuel pump from Amazon for cheap and it was just a walbro 521 fuel pump in a Delphi box.


Fuel filter is hanging on the shelf at any parts store where the generic fuel filters hang. Fuel pump strainer I used a 94 mustang one, I would have rather used the stock buell one but this should do fine. Fuel pump housing o rings I used nitrile o rings from a hydrolic supply house that were 3 and 3/16 inch o.d. by 3/32 thick.

I don't care what you read you have to remove the swingarm..... Some. The swing arm hits the engine case without allowing enough room to get the pump out. What I suggest is get a regular motorcycle jack, take the muffler off jack the bike from the rear muffler cradle/support, loosen the rear shock bolt and take it out then loosen the rear swing arm pinch bolt and loosen the swingarm bolt enough the get the swing to push sideways far enough to get the pump out. You'll have to find the right combination of lift and sideways movement to get it out but you'll have plenty of room.


Replacing the parts is straight forward. Lesson I learned here is to use marine grade grease to lube the o rings and the frame, the pump pushed in with little effort.


Thanks for all the help everyone, I'm really glad I got this out of the way and will be able to attend all the rides over the next month or so for my friend and former Buller.
Hey guys I have an 03 firebolt it spits and sputters very often under load im going to replace the fule pump I know the pump i can get at auto zone its same as 03 v6 mustang anything ells I may need too ?? Apart from fule pump and 2 fule pump body
O rings ? Or thats all?
I have found simply cleaning Viton o-rings and letting them dry out for a day or so on the bench will actually shrink them back to their original size allowing them to be reinstalled without snagging and getting cut.
Wiggle2, what is the fix or revised harness you are talking about. I done some searching, is it were the wires rub and eventually short out?
Cool, thanks. I thought that was it. I am getting ready to pull my fuel pump tonight. Gonna try the o ring thing too about letting them dry.
Sorry fish......wasn't here for a while! Cooter hit it though. I bought the 'revised' harness from my dealer for mine. I didn't get it put in yet though. My pump runs all the time with key on/kill switch on, engine NOT running. (Where normally it primes and stops). Mine will prime and then slow to maybe half speed instead of stopping. It's fine though and runs correctly (the fuel pump) when it's 'told' to.
No problem wiggle2. Iam going to use a piece of fuel line to run my wires through. They are fine right now, just a preventitive measure. I ordered o rings from americansportbike. My local auto stores or my local hydraulic store didnt have any over like 2 inches big.
Hello Rick!
I just haven't been on here a lot as of late. Unfortunately it seems too many of the nuts from the facebook page of this forum have made it here. It WAS a great forum for a long time though! I will still check in from time to time though!! :)