Getting old really sucks!

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Semper fi ya old hardcore bastard.
I knew you were a little off your rocker with that avatar. Now that I know you're an old leatherneck it explains EVERYTHING!
was based at Lejeune in 82-85. Can remember being out on libo drinking and riding my sportster and going towards New Bern. They were working on the road, a real long straightaway. They had traffic cones set up on the lane divider stripe for about two miles. Came across this at about 02:00 hrs. Started weaving in and out of the traffic cones. No other traffic. Then I had this bright idea (thought so at the time), turned around and went back to the beginning of the traffic cones. Let stupid take the controls (stupid is the idiot little leprechaun in me) and rode down the lane at about 20 mph with my left foot out knocking down the cones (told you stupid was at the controls). Got all the way to the end and there was a cruiser sitting just off the road doing paperwork. He pulled me over and made me park the bike. He made me walk back the two miles setting the cones back up while he followed in the cruiser. At the end he picked me up and gave me a ride back to the bike. Said he figured that I was sober enough after that to go ahead and ride back to base.
That's hilarious! And something that would NEVER happen today. Cops aren't so understanding of the way complacency boardroom and youth erode a service members intelligence anymore.
Yeah I was a young, dumb one once too. Found myself in a lot of trouble during my time in the service! I wasn't on the ground side. No Oh three designation for this guy. My brother did that and gave me some of the best advice when I told him I was going to join. He just said "WHATEVER you do, DON'T let them send you in as an 0311!" No offense to you or anyone else reading this that's a ground pounder. I have total respect for what the Grunts do. My bro was just looking out for me since he knew I wasn't going to be a career Marine.
I was stationed at MCAS Cherry Point. I was ONE OF THOSE GUYS.
You probably passed the gate to the base on your little trip to New Bern!
However, you were through those parts a little more than a decade before me!
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Both of my brothers were Hollywood Marines, me Parris Island. Was 5811/5812 (MP/K-9 MP) first two years with Security Battalion HI. Served under SgtMaj. A.J. Kellogg, CMOH from Vietnam. Made Meritorious rank up to Sgt. Then decided to xfer to Infantry. Relocated to Lejeune, and hit West Pac after West Pac. 1st wife became a West Pac widow if you now what I mean. When I went to the grunts I got real cocky. (lol). Had several NJP's, busted down to Cpl. Re-enlisted for E-5 (again). Lost my right eye a year and a half into my second tour. The SgtMaj. told me that I was a terminal Sgt. That the Corps would always allow me to re-enlist, but that I would never make it over E-5 because 'I lacked tact when dealing with Officers'. Hence, the many NJP's. LOL.

Both of my brothers retired from the Corps. One with 27 yrs, the other with 31 yrs. My oldest brother was crew chief of an LVTPC7 in 'Nam. The other was on a Chinook in the airwing. He was stationed at Cherry Point and Three Rivers for a while (HMM263) before transferring to El Toro where he retired from. Every male member from my great great grandfather down on my fathers side has been in the Corps. Come from a long line of 'old hardcore bastards', lol.
Semper Fi, my brother. When you are in recovery have the better half type for ya and we will sit and tell old war stories to pass the time. :)
Wow! Green blood runs deep in your DNA! Ooh rah!
My glory days aren't quite as glorious as yours. I was a 6092, airframe metalsmith, my entire enlistment. Did several med floats to support the aircraft that were within said MEU. I got real familiar with life on LHAs and LHDs. I've done some sort of repair or maintenance on every fixed wing and rotary aircraft that was part of the support element for said amphibious assault group. Unfortunately because of my level of expertice and tools required to perform that maitanance I was never able to support any of the units I was attached to in country. Was always floating around the med or somewhere in the gulf. Didn't like that feeling. Knowing what the ground side was going through.
I saw my share of NJPs! I busted down to private 3 times and still EAS'd as a Sargent after 6years. I was good at aircraft repair and hardcore about PT. Not so much about conducting myself accordingly when I wasn't wearing my uniform, if ya know what I mean.
I have much respect for all current and prior military. My ole man is a retired Army SGM(also prior drill sergeant which made for an interesting childhood). Props to you all.
I didn't go into the service as my pops pushed my brother and I into college but it's funny how things turn out. Both my brother and I support the warfighter in our own ways though. I'm behind a computer screen keeping their data flowing and my brother has been in AFG for the past 5 years as a heavy machinery mechanic/trainer. We all bleed red, white, and blue somehow.
You have no idea how awesome and uplifting that is to those guys in uniform.
It might not seem like it when you listen to the BS that the media puts out but there's A LOT more support and positive energy for those in uniform then there ever was back in the Vietnam area. I can't imagine what those guys went through. And I feel blessed and indebted to those that came before me.
You know those old crusty bastards like Mrlogix.
Doesn't matter to me if you saw action while you were in or not. If you wore the uniform of the U.S. Armed Forces you signed a blank check payable with your life if need be. I salute all servicemen on here past, present and future. It's one thing to talk about love of country, totally another to risk your life for it. Also would like to give a shout out to all the LEO and Firefighters/EMS that are on here. A lot of ******** to go through for the few thanks you get.

Sorry Chickn, didn't mean to hijack your thread waxing philsophical.
I don't believe in the thread jack. Unless your shamelessly trying to pimp out some BS business. To me a thread is like a good conversation; the good ones always go off on a tangent but always wind up back on point.
I'm sure that any minute someone's gonna chime in about a vasectomy gone wrong and get us back on topic!
It's definitely happening with in the next six months to a year. Right now I'm just gritting my teeth trying to wait till I'll be able to get five weeks paid in full from work. That should leave me only needing short term disability for about three to four weeks of my recovery time. I see my orthopedic surgeon in six weeks to get another round of cortisone in my wrists. That should be able to numb things up enough that I won't be wearing these dam wrist braces 24/7. I'll be back to just sleeping in em. And those shots should make me wrists feel strong enough to ride again. Well, honestly I'll just have to see how all that goes. Don't want to put myself in harms way by jumping the gun.
I'm not too worried about it, I was just initially in the dumps about not being able to ride for a while. That bothers me more than the fact that my wife will be wiping my ass for about week while I recover!
Talk about testing a marriage!!!
I have and that's the more expensive route with a longer recovery time. Also I'm on the wagon till this is all taken care of. I'm on meds that help alleviate the nerve pain in my hands. Those meds don't mix with booze. I don't want to temp the possibility of liver failure.
That in it self is probably another reason I was so bummed initially. I really enjoy a good frothy ale while tinkering in the garage.
But this thread has brought me out that self centered place I was in. I'm back to looking at things as a glass half full. I'm blessed and am far more fortunate than a lot of people in this twisted world we live in.
Thanks for all the responses
chickn mate you can get around your wife having to do that (although i am sure she would!) you have the time so start checking out disability aids! they do stuff for every problem now and not everything costs lots, plus talk to the surgeon about follow up care, you have occupational therapists in the states obviously? they will help for sure!