Getting old really sucks!

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I'll have to look into what my insurance will cover.
Never really thought about the disability aids. However, I guess I should have said this earlier, my wife's a registered nurse. She's been in the field since she was 16yrs old! She told me that in her over 20yrs of experiance she's had to do a lot worse things than having to deal with my nasty ass. Not a direct quote but close enough to what she said!
Don't get a disability aid. Get an au pair!!:cool:

RNs are saints. I had appendicitis and the things I left in and around the hospital toilet were foul even by my standards. My nurse just cleaned it up and joked about the green paint I spilled in the bathroom.
It's official. I go under the knife oct 27th. I did the cortisone shots about a month ago and the results weren't exactly what I was hoping for.
Good thing my bike is down and out. I won't be riding for a while.
Good luck with that then mate! its good to hear you are getting it done properly now, its a way off i know but just imagine how good next spring will feel with everything fully sorted! All the best Chickn and if you get down during or after just pm me and i will help you through it! :eagerness:
Thanks Tone!
I can't wait for a ride without the worry of my hands going so numb that they might not work the controls!
Only happened a couple times but it was enough to make me realize I have no reason to put this off.
My wife had carpal tunnel surgery, they did her left hand first then her right hand after about 6 weeks, took her about 2 weeks each go to be better (not healed just better), I think she should of had them done at same time but due to young children the doctors spaced it out. they did not even knock her out done with some local and about a inch long scar on each hand she is much better now.
well at least it will be over soon chicknstripn. Can be aggravating as hell waiting on them to make a decision and leave you waiting. Like I said, just have her type for you and we will sit and wax on about the Corps.
Thanks guys. I appreciate the responses and well wishes. The timing should work out perfect so that I'll finally have a decent riding season for 2016.
I'm actually having both hands done at the same time. Will save me about 1500 bucks and give me the quickest recovery. I'll do the best I can to keep in touch.
On my way to have me tendons severed and reattached! Thanks for all the well wishes fellas. I'll check back in about ten days from now. I'm going to do everything I can to immobilize my hands for the first few weeks. I hope this will help with the recovery process. I'm also looking forward to getting back on my bike in the spring! I haven't ridden in so long I fell like a piece of my identity has disappeared.
Here goes!!!
One thing I do want to say is that I'm very thankful that I've had the ability to use my hands. I'll be without for a short while but there are people in the world that have dissabities beyond what I could ever imagine. And there are those brave souls returning from foreign wars with less of themselves than what they left with. To all those people my heart goes out to you. Compared to all those people I just mentioned I'm just whining.
Much respect and appreciation to everyone that's chimed in on this post.
I'm blessed
Thats a really good way to approach it and you will be fine after you serve your time the only way will be up!! You will be amazed how quickly you adapt to your restrictions. you know not to over do it and follow the doctors instructions but one thing not everyone thinks of is go careful how you walk and move around DO IT SLOWLY trust me falling over with arms/hands immobilized is NOT funny and could set yourself back a bit! Now go and warm your wife/girlfriend`s hands up ready! Hey surgery does have it perks!! ha ha ha All the best mate! :eagerness:
Had bilateral carpel tunnel surgery oct 27. My hard casts came off yesturday.
Let me just say it has been amazing!
For one, I want anyone and everyone to know that I have the greatest wife in the world! I'm indebted to her!
Second, the recovery hasn't been that bad. The first two days were the worst! I literally couldn't do ANYTHING on my own! By day three I started figuring out how to "manage" a bit more on my own. From then on things just keep getting easier and better!
The pain from the surgery has felt minuscule compared to the pain I was stubbornly dealing with for years. My hands and wrists feel fantastic! So much so that I have to keep reminding myself not to over do it. I still have at least six weeks until I can lift anything substantial.
Just thought I'd give you guys an update.
Thanks to everyone that has sent encouragement my way. I really appreciate it!
Thank you! I really appreciate it! I should be 100% by Jan 5. That gives me plenty of time to get my stalled 12r to "something S like" project completed by spring!
Well done chickn! thats the worst bit over now and you will soon be looking back at all this! and in the words of the song "behind every great man there has to be a great woman"! Sounds to me like you are a double winner! I am really happy for you mate, TAKE IT EASY! lol :cheerful: :eagerness: